Any alliance RP guilds recruiting? Returning player here

Just came back to the game. It seems really empty and I don’t even know if I want to keep playing. Are there any RP/Social guilds out there looking for people?

I would recommend switching to Moonguard if you want the really active alliance rp.


And I would recommend not listening to people perpetuating the Alliance MG, Horde WrA divide. Wyrmrest Accord has a thriving Alliance scene! Check out the Wyrmrest Community Project both on Discord and in-game where we highlight the many Alliance and neutral events that happen on daily and weekly basis. It’s also a great place to network with guilds you might be interested in!

We also have the events calendar Discord, for all your easy access to Wyrmrest Accord events!


As Thomas said we have a plenty active scene, it just isn’t standing around in Stormwind all the time. We do a lot of world RP and have hubs outside of the cities.

Plus there’s lots of events as was stated, several a night in most cases. RP guilds are active and thriving. Check out those links and scroll this forum, it should help.


It’s very lonely. We are in the era where you cobble together RP out of discord, in-game and wherever else you can like some manner of hobo chili.