Please consider joining the new WoW RP Events Discord!
Here you can find roleplaying events from across factions and servers without having to wade through dozens of servers and forum posts.
If you are an event host, give yourself the role and you’ll be able to post your own events with ease. (Link updated June 2023)
This is such a great idea, thank you so much for putting it together!
Giving a friendly bump to the top. We need more events in the rp world 
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I’m here and ready to party!
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We’re starting to get some good automation going using some bots and a google calendar.
Soon I hope we will have a form that you can fill out to add an event directly to the google calendar and then it will auto-populate the Event listing in Discord.
Come join us and help fill out the events listing!
I’ve seen many “event” servers and this is easily the best.
There are many involved in actually posting events, and the automation is amazing.
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Go join this server, it is wonderful!
I hope you’ll all come take a look around. There’s a lot of cool events to look into and if you host events, it’s a good place to consolidate in a hub.
Definitely a good server to have on standby for if I ever resub. For me, WoW is about the RP.
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Still growing and lots of events to look at!
Event hosts are welcome to come post their events! Come join us!