Any Alliance PvP guilds worth joining?

off and on yes…

I have screenshots from a few hours ago of a gaggle hiding in Warsong Hold… drinking out of cups… being a ___.

My new favorite phrase.

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I logged into my bank alt last night. I take it that was you guys hitting Org? The lag was real.

Stay away from Cryptids. They ain’t that awesome.

Did I infer that they were awesome?

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Some of them are officers in Ruin, ya know, and nah no implication taken from your statement. Went w/a friend on one of their raids and some of them were raging to others in the group…" there’s thousands waiting to take your place.’. that trash talk kinda sticks in your mind. (no names were mentioned in this other than guild names)

Neither of the guilds are “awesome” just masses of bodies trying to find individuality but going about it the wrong way. Who really remembers an individual from any of these guilds besides the leaders really?


Lol. I see this got a bit out of hand. I appreciate all of the responses. I decided against the very large zerg guilds. I’d rather be a part of a guild that is respected by both factions. I ended up joining Kill Order. Might check out some of the other respected guilds mentioned on alts and see where I fit in best. Thanks for the responses.

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As you can see zerg guilds elicit strong opinions :sweat_smile:

You are the ones that are bringing multiple raids to one zone. If you don’t want server crashing fights don’t bring 100+ people to a zone. The horde communities are more than willing to keep fights fair if it means having fun wpvp fights.

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We only hit cities with 1 or at most 1 and a half raid groups (40 to 60) its ruin that brings 100+ which they know will crash the server. Its not their goal to crash the server but their actions are what eventually causes it to crash.


I’d stay away from both of the guilds you mentioned. CL is toxic and they will deny it but they are. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this way and, without naming names, elegantly describe the toxicity when the bigger ones are in discord talking. Ruin is basically the same, they have the same toxic CL members acting as officers in Ruin. If you want a toxic life and then have it turned on you being the toxic one, join them. Please do! Let me edit my comment. On a praise note, the guild leader, Cryptids, is very very good at what he does, which is lead pvp. That’s all I have to say.

Just don’t join Ruin.

Yes, I know I was in Ruin for a good amount of time, and I did have some fun running with them, but I left for a very good reason.

Racism is tolerated. On a crazy level, it is tolerated.

A very vocal, obnoxious guild member spewed racist comments, repeatedly, in guild chat. He was kicked after enough of us brought it to the attention of the officers.

He was invited back to the guild that same day, because he said he was sorry.

He gets kicked, again, a day later, for the same thing. Again, he was invited back.

This is only one example, but they dgaf about how racist and toxic you are, as long as they have the numbers.


In all honesty TERRAN EMPIRE seems to have the same amount of flaws.

They have had certain members of theirs engaging in soliciting / stalking / harassing minors in-game and still do not care, even after it was brought to the attention of their GM and Officers.

No it isn’t. If someone is caught being racist, they’re kicked as soon as someone who can kick is on to do it. They were probably invited back because they weren’t blacklisted from whatever addon they use to invite people.

It is tolerated.

I’m not the only one that left because of
It. It’s a problem.


We are on something like 20-30 servers. There isn’t an officer on who can kick at all hours of the day. It is NOT tolerated at all. I’ve been in the guild since MoP and there has never been a time at all where racism or other bigotry has been tolerated.

Sorry you had a bad experience, but it isn’t the norm. You can’t weed out all of the trolls in a guild/community of 10k+ players.

I don’t believe you even know what salty is. Learn what salt does and you might gain in knowledge.

Oh hey ovidiu why did you leave ruin and faction change to horde?