Anti-RDF arguments. A takedown

We were discussing patches and systems and how they were released and whether or not this system that wasn’t even in the majority of wrath was a “Important part of wrath” no matter how you shake it. If LFG was originally launched in WOTLKC it would’ve been launched with its release patch as all systems are in 3.0.2. That isn’t “skewing” the information. Patches are when systems come out, not dungeon release dates.

Add to that that in terms of content phases the majority of WOTLKC was done without LFG (Naxx, Ulduar, TOC vs ICC and RS).

If they do that most people will quit. Cata was horrible.

How are they getting their information though? Through surveys or polls? I haven’t seen any official polls from them - just other players or content creators.

And I see posts about these official surveys on wowhead and such, but I have never gotten one myself nor have any guildees or friends of mine gotten any. How can they get the majority vote if they aren’t asking everyone?

And every poll that I’ve seen on these forums, or youtube or wherever are vastly in favor of keeping LFD by atleast 80%.

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My thoughts exactly. I don’t mind at all if some sort of automatic LFG tool is in game. The RDF from Wrath was terrible. I’m confused that people want it, and many of the points made by the pro group don’t make sense unless they are talking about another system.

The one thing I do agree with was that it was good for 1-68 leveling.

Why don’t you tell me to wait for Cata if I want LFR.

If I asked you the start and end dates to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and you tell me from the Lich King pre-patch to the Cataclysm pre-patch, I find that kinda silly.

I understand when you are talking about pre-patches including new systems, but Wrath Came out on November 13, 2008 and ended when Cataclysm out on December 7, 2010.

Dungeon finder was unavailable for LICH KING dungeons for 390 days.
Dungeon finder was available for LICH KING dungeons for 364 days.

Just in terms of Dungeons with Dungeon Finder. These are the dates of content availability.

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Again, people are more likely to go out of their way for things they’re upset about.

Blizzard has done their research, the base of their audience doesn’t want RDF.

Well they need to officially poll EVERYONE that actively plays classic to get real numbers then.

Once again we were discussing a system. Systems, unlike content patches (which LFG wasn’t in for a majority of content patches anyway) aren’t released at the same time as dungeons. Conventionally, expansions are considered to begin with their prepatch. LFG isn’t just for LICH KING dungeons. And once again even if you only apply it there it’s still in the minority of both phases of content AND time of the expansion release. It was not a core/important/major feature of WOTLKC. It was a system released in 3.3 far into the games release which for the record I wouldn’t care if they released it alongside ICC

Wishful thinking. They won’t put that much resources into something they feel they know the answer too.

RDF is an unnecessary change to the game. They messed it up the first time around, they’re trying not to repeat that mistake. Lack of convenience is not a problem.

It oils down to people on mega realms not needing LFD therefore they want it taken away from EVERYONE, even if lifesupport realms desperately need it. This narcissistic playerbase could care less about anyone else. They want what’s best for them and that’s it. I’ve said that if they don’t want LFD, fine, turn it off on their realms. But turn it on for the dying realms. Isn’t that a win for everyone?

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This is not an effective argument, given how Blizz has handled Classic so far.

Let’s consider cross-realm bgs. They were added in 1.12. That was 21 months into Vanilla and 4 months before the TBC pre-patch. A very, very small percentage of Vanilla. Yet they were in Classic Vanilla.

Dungeon finder was in Wrath a substantially greater amount of time, yet it’s not in Wrath Classic.

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They think they messed up, they blame RDF for eroding the “social fabric” the game, yet it’s easy to prove having RDF doesn’t do that.

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They “feel” they know the answer to.
They need to stop assuming they know what we want and actually start listening to us. Polling everyone would be a great way to get that information.

And you know what? If an OFFICIAL poll where everyone that currently plays classic came back and legit showed that the vast majority of players do NOT want LFD, then I’d back down. But I just have a hard time believing that’s the case.

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I’d be fine if they delayed it till ICC too, I’m not a fan that they are currently opting to not include it at all.

I started playing a few months before the ICC patch. To me LFD is a major feature in wrath.

Trust me I get what you are saying. (systems and dates) But yeah all good all good. Thanks for the chat.


I don’t recall there being outcry about them saying they weren’t doing cross realm BG’s and people demanding it be restored as a major feature. That’s the difference here. I’m not the one claiming it should be implemented on that basis. Plus, obviously, cross realm bg’s aren’t even nearly as significant as LFG was to changing the game. It isn’t a good comparison.

Use the mythic lfg system from retail at the start of wrath[basically improved bulletin board]. Introduce LFD after a phase or 2. E z

Dont talk to players now… wont start in wrath. Even with out LFD… ill just be like Geared Feral Tank LFG must summon… :slight_smile: unwanted blues and greens for tank. Ill get fast groups. To bad these dps cant just que and quest while waiting on for run to pop, now they have to send tells… get rejected… get ignored and watch the spam all day. lol

Where I disagree with you, and I don’t believe that all these posts that have people pissed off about losing RDF is a minority, how is catering to the casual something that destroys wow? Aren’t they the ones who actually keep the game alive and running? Let’s think about who does what in the game.

Bots: Sit in dungeons and farm, never interacting with the community.
Elitist/Hardcore: Play the game for 1-2 weeks, then raid log.
Casual’s: Randomly out in the world, farming mats, randomly doing dailies out in the world, attempting to run heroics for badges since they might not have raided that week, and in general just out having a good time enjoying all aspects of the game, with no rushing through of anything. (Once we have wrath, alot of those casuals will be achievement hunting too, cause it’s fun).

So of those three player types, what do you think is best for overall keeping the game world alive, and playable? My thoughts would be on the casuals who aren’t just raid logging, but going out and attempting to enjoy the game. You know, to play a video game to have fun, not make it a job, with something as tedious as staring at a text box for an hour to be allowed to play in a dungeon, and more often than not, just give up after the 20th time whispering a group looking for dps “inv” and being responded too with “full”.


When you going to answer my question about how LFG is a better system that isn’t a subjective opinion from a single variable on the social relevance? I want to make sure I understand your point.