Anti-RDF arguments. A takedown

While I’m pro LFD, lets be honest. This is a MMO, and a MMO benefits by not fracturing the player base. If LFD is there, most people will use it simply because it’s the most efficient option. They’ll use it even if it’s not their preference.

Not using LFD if it’s there is like not having a cell phone in 2022. Sure you COULD get by without it, but it’s a huge hassle.


Cata and mop actually have a large following on pservers, after that though… there’s like 100 people on every wod server together…

It was not there for “nearly half.” Wrath was without LFD for 420 days. LFD was only in wrath for 308 days. We had Wrath without dungeon finder for 112 days longer than we had Wrath with it. So if we’re deciding whether it’s truly part of the “Wrath experience” based on how long we had it, it wouldn’t make that cut.

This is a good quote. It doesn’t make things better, sure for some issues. But it now employees a whole new set of problems to deal with.

You do know the world “nearly” doesn’t mean “exactly half”

If you count prepatch like you do, 14 months vs 10 is not that big of a difference.

And it’s not even like the main argument for no LFD stands on… anything. I can prove LFD doesn’t mean people stop being social and that its far more the people that play wow who aren’t social.

35% of the expansion isn’t nearly half at all man, that’s a huge stretch

You know the word nearly doesn’t mean “it was half” 15% off is pretty close.

And like I said, I can prove LFD isn’t some anti-social tool.

So its exactly what I said, zero EVIDENCE, what you/I think is irrelevant. Taking a subjective stance as flimsy as saying in my experience I have good conversations in 4 out of 5 dungeons that I do.

Where I could retort I’ve done 30 dungeons today and no words were spoken. Neither statement holds any value. Its a personal experience that is different for every single player.

So its a stupid stance to take in saying RDF is the cause of something that literally has had 10s of millions of variables. The one thing that is refutable is one of those systems has stood the test of time.

If took that as a personal attack thats on you, I merely compared what your claiming to be good in WoW to the real world and how ridiculous it truly is. Thinking the social fabric of the game hangs on this little thread that is RFD is the real meme

They don’t have to gimp themselves at all. Don’t want to play with randoms? No problem, just join a group with your guild or friends and then queue up.

Of course they will. Which is why people saying, “If you don’t want to use it, don’t use it” is nonsense. That is, of course, absurd. Once it’s in, it’s mandatory.

And I do think it should be in Wrath Classic. Just not the cross-realm part of it. Maintain server communities like the devs want, yet have the convenience and rewards of the tool. Good middle-ground. But people can’t compromise on anything, so it is what it is.

“It lead to retail!” say the devs literally responsible for retail.

And selling Boosts for the same game.

You can get your panties in a bunch all you want. RDF is horrible for the game and there’s a lot of people happy it’s gone.

The only people upset are lazy and/or bad.

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post on a main so I can look at your logs, if you’re calling people bad. Exaaaaactly.

My logs are more than fine. Averaging a 97.5 at the moment.

Yet, refuses to link their main.

typical brain dead response HUR DUR must be lazy/bad, given the evidence available to the player base, it would indicate far more people are unhappy its gone. :wink:

I’ve been posting on this toon since before Classic came out.

Don’t need to think on it too much. RDF is for the casuals.

Think on it more than that and you’ll have paragraphs of whining.

Feels bad being bad I guess lol. Can’t keep up in Classic so you just try to troll post about it.

Are you saying people who want RDF are the minority?
Or just those crying about wanting RDF?