Anti-RDF arguments. A takedown

But that’s not the only poll here. MMOChampian did one, the Warrior Discord did one, and there were a bunch I didn’t see personally in an earlier comment on this thread.

All of this should be taken with a grain of salt sure, but Blizzard is using Polling data from 3 years ago after admitting that the #nochange philosophy they pulled from that same poll was incorrect. They need to just put out a new poll themselves, that isn’t about microtransactions, and go from there.

Doesn’t work like that.

The problem is RDF starts to foster poor culture in the community. It’s this path that led Retail to having 20 different versions of each raid so players can play how they want.

Sometimes the floor needs to be lifted so the dirt can’t be included.

I am ok with either. doesnt cheapen my experience in the slightest.

…That’s because you clearly believe that sample sizes are indicative of what the community wants which is what we disagree about. I’m just saying it’s not enough to tell for sure and these discussions benefit more from discussing the merits/issues of LFG then saying it’s what people wanted. The entire debacle with P2 nerfs was a rock solid example of the approach of perceived majority suddenly disappears into thin air once those that had their way didn’t anymore and it was too late to change it. I doubt they’ll ever consider reproaching something like this again and clearly they’ve done their own testing and come to the opposite conclusion to yours about what players want.

I haven’t seen them refer to a specific instance of polling the community. Do you have a source that shows they used a 3 year old poll to determine whether or not to use LFG?

Yes, but the arguement isn’t that “I’ll be a little affected.” its that “RDF wont let me make social groups to do 5 mans”. The first one is fine, the later is completely wrong. No one is stopping you from making friends and doing 5 man content without the RDF.

This isn’t the same, because adding in the RDF doesn’t remove their ability to play the game how they want. You can say it might affect them sure, but they can still do it. Removing the RDF entirely, removes our ability to play the game that way entirely. No one is forcing them to use the RDF in any way, and saying “just play retail” is an ignorant statement since retail is obviously a completely different game than any of the Classic Version of Wow.

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During the interview he did with one of the youtubers he mentioned they were looking at things from before wow classic even launched and already having this discussion then, i don’t remember if he mentioned a poll specifically, let me grab the video.

Ya, they haven’t polled since the original poll past asking about microtransactions. That’s my source lol. So either they’re pulling it out of thin air, or they’re using old polling data.

That and so they can come in later and claim they listened to us after the boost in money slows down.

What the hell are you talking about. If someone was going to pay for dungeons boosts… they would do that with or without LFD… hell they are currently doing it… have you missed both Vanilla and TBC?

It sounds heavily speculative then that they don’t have their own internal polling unless I can see some evidence that they’re outright saying they’re using those old polls. Nevertheless I think QOL decisions shouldn’t even be done on a popularity basis as OSRS proved people would always vote to make a game easier even if the ramifications ended up being terrible.

I actually want dungeon finder (minus the cross-realm aspect), but reading ridiculous threads like this I find myself starting to lean against it. People can’t simply state the reason why they like the system, and how it benefits them. They need to just start a war over it, and ridicule and insult people, and make up meaningless statistics. All it does is demonstrate that you have no real argument.

Complete drivel lol, there is zero evidence to support your subjective claim. Thinking you can point to a singular QoL system, and say yup this is the start of it.

The REAL question at hand is, how do you function in real society? When you run into someone at a bar, grocery store do you give them a card with your battletag# and a note that says join my server and LFG so we can Q a dungeon THEN!!! and only THEN!!! can we have a social interaction…

What internal polling would you think would be accurate and not a talking point in the community? If they only poll their own people then it’s as if they didn’t do the poll at all. If they had polled the community then it would have been posted about and it hasn’t been.

Yes. That is how all of my interactions go. Btw what is your Radier io score? Link your No Light achive please. /s

I’m not alone in thinking that. There’s a reason why RDF and LFR are despised by older players.

Good try attacking my characters because the real base of this community doesn’t want to be forced to play with your poorly geared meme spec.

He didn’t say they were using polls, just that it was conversations from before wrath even started, he even mentioned his whole team is split on LFD.

And LFD isn’t just some QoL feature, it’s a important part of wrath, it shouldn’t be voted on, it should just be there during ICC. No one should be mad a feature was made available during the time it was originally.

LFG wasn’t even technically a QOL feature. It’s a system added in on the tail end of wrath. It’s not an important part of wrath, it’s a system feature of patch 3.3. Frankly I have 0 intention of ever playing cata classic, so I say bring it along by 3.3 so I can leave shortly after.

I think that’s actually one of the biggest reasons why they aren’t bringing it in.

After WotLK the player base will fall off into oblivion if Classic Cata is next. They’re trying to see what they need to do to keep this ship going, and adding RDF and LFR back won’t do that.

Although Cata’s biggest sin was class homogenization. There was no more identity between A and B, unless A was better than B so you stack A and don’t bring any B.

I think once you get closer to wrath you teeter away from those hardcore originalists who only play classic and maybe TBC into the mix between wrathbabbies that play retail. The results seem obvious, in TBCC boosting was insanely unpopular and caused a huge uproar. If they announced LFG in TBC or classic people would have refused to play. Now, many are asking for it.

I heavily doubt cata classic is going to stand because frankly I think by that stage they’ll only have the retail audience playing both their games.

it was there for nearly half the lifespan of wrath, it has ended up being a defining feature of it, so I’d say it’s a very important part of wrath.

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