Anti GDKP crowd doesn't care about gold buying

well tbf isnt this cause of the alchemy specialization where u can potentially get more than 1 per craft

Gdkp lovers are just minimum effort free loading liberals who cringe at the idea of putting effort for rewards

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Ahhh I see you guys are getting closer to the root of the issue. Never forget gdkp was actually banned because of a mass report weak aura discord that flooded the system. And it’s why we only get vague feels-goody posts about it instead of hard data =].

Never forget they hated it not because of rmt but because these are guildless, friendless, tourists.

These people do not play wow but want to save it. These are WoW neo-liberal chuddy keyboard warriors. Waspsy HoA pushers of the WoW world.

And just like IRL these damn fools ain’t got a clue what they’re talking about but it feels good to spout of self validating righteousness.


here we can see my theory at work


I think the ban set great expectations for what the rest of the season would be like.

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Almost as if it’s one guy usung sock puppets huh? Almost as if all those “super liked posts” during the outrage were quite literally always the exact same 20 people liking every single anti gdkp post huh…

They literally do the same content you do they just have a different loot setting.

I swear you guys have the worst takes I’ve ever seen

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Lemme see that sOurCe.

He has it incorrect.

A player in taiwan created a weakaura that reported people who broke TOS. this includes chat TOS etc. The weakaura made its rounds on the servers and eventually so many people were being reported that it flooded their CS team. They did this to protest potential GDKP bans and Blizzard TW made a statement about it.

No, that was a week after and was a modification of the anti coper report addon.

No. Stop. You are mistaken.

That’s nice. But I do. The difference is nobody is forcing you to do it. Meanwhile I’m forced to play they way you prefer.

Dude, GDKP has been banned for 2 phases. Guess what, bots and RMT are actually worse.

Nice, but you might want to make an intelligent post if you’re going to use this insult.

I don’t buy gold. Again, nice baseless personal attacks :joy:

Then why do they allow it in taiwan?

Probably, players like me that host successful, organized raids don’t care at all anymore to do it. The nanny state told us we can’t have nice things.

Pretty much, yep.

You forgot killing the boss, the same way you do in your raid with dice deciding where the loot goes, or worse some corrupt loot council. Yet somehow you’ve earned the loot and somehow they have not?

GDKP hosts and attendees have literally no way to vet the incoming gold. This is like saying if someone buys your auction with bought gold you get banned along with them. What exactly are you suggesting folks do to investigate?

Checks out as a 2024 opinion, cant expect folks to tolerate differing views anymore. Ban everything!

100%, because they don’t actually care about RMT. They just don’t like GDKP.

That’s not what GDKP is. You always seem to forget that they did all the same tactics as you. The only difference is they won with gold and you won with dice.

Then why is RMT stronger without it in p2 and p3?


Does this auto report weakaura still work? Asking for a friend :wink:

Not true at all.

Blizzard made the choice and they have actual data to back it up.

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The removal of gdkp makes doing that easier.

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Clearly not since they had to add a 30-day trade restriction for new accounts.

Lets say a gold buyer buys his gold on day 1.
Day 2 he does a gdkp where he buys 50k gold in items.
Day 3 he gets banned

That gold goes to 19 (assuming 20 man raid) innocent people. How will they, the innocent people, react to blizzard taking 2500g from each of them, and they lost the items the cheater got with that gold as well?

So blizzard isnt going to do that.

Now lets say of those 19, 4 of them were friends with the gold buyer and knew what was happening. Thats still 10,000g the gold buyers friends benefit from.

Now lets say these 4 friends were working together and using burner accounts to buy the gold and taking turns taking the hit on a burner account but kept running the gdkp every week. They have a month to level an alt account character, buy gold, and distribute it between their main accounts.

Now imagine an entire guild doing this.

Blizzard had the data. And they are testing banning gdkp.

And if blizzard switched to banning IP addresses that also doesnt work due to vpn technology, or even the oldschool “using mcdonalds wifi” to bypass it.

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this is a fantasy pipe dream and not based in any reality

Stop saying blizzard have the data because if blizzard actually had the data they would have banned all these people a long time ago

This is where your argument falls apart. Items aren’t guaranteed to drop. It doesn’t matter if you have gold cap for a GDKP if the items your looking for don’t drop.