Anti GDKP crowd doesn't care about gold buying

no where does it say GDKP is the leading source of RMT, please show me

That would be the auction house

I bet you think the Earth is flat because “NASA would never admit they’re wrong.”

(Also, The War Within marketing is a bunch of “we’re sorry we screwed up, we were wrong, we’re fixing it in the War Within.”)

EDIT: If we’re being pedantic, please show me your source for the AH being a driver of RMT.

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You link some PR save face post that basically said gold is the lead cause of rmt.

And then pretend it’s like some gotcha.

The lead cause of rmt is the auction house.

You’re sticking up for a company that’s so lazy and cheap they won’t hire people to actually enforce their TOS.

And then you think it’s a win


Source: Trust me Bro.

lol why does this topic rattle you so much? be honest

you clearly dont have an argument here

looks at Era dumpster
looks at the rampant AH prices at the end of P1

Can’t imagine why I’m uninterested in direct infusions of toxic gold into the economy.

(And if you would like a specific one to point to- I quit Era when a guildie bought DFT for 63,000 gold in a GDKP. That’s more gold than all of my characters in classic have ever had, combined. And 2 of them have epic flying mounts.)

You need a source for that? You can’t use common sense?

The auction house is where bots sell all this stuff they farmed.

The auction house is where gold sellers transfer the gold from seller to buyer.

The auction house is where items are sold that are best in slot this phase but are so expensive you basically need to buy gold to afford them.

You’re literally the most in denial person on this forum


Look at the AH on SOD with GDKP banned

Are you paying 3k gold for a trinket? lmfao


Auction house prices are currently what they are because of the new trade restrictions it’s the same reason era is so expensive.

All the actual bots left era because there’s far less money to be made in that small version of the game.

So you have massive amounts of gold but no supply.

It’s also why sod is in its most expensive phase on the auction house it’s cheaper to raid in Wrath of the lich King which is a version of the game with 30,000 gold payouts. Let that sink in because it’s literally the counter of your whole argument about how gdkps affect price of the auction house

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It’s also where players sell things they farmed…having a parasite on a game marketplace doesn’t make it the driver of RMT.
That’s literally “well if stores didn’t have money or merch, there’d be no robberies” level of dumb.

(BoP gear is BoP because it’s not designed to be sold.)

Doubt that quite a bit honestly. AFAIK it’s done via ingame trade or ingame mail.
Got a source?

  1. They’ve already come down in price.
    P1 That damned Thunderbrow ring was STILL selling for triple digits the day before P2 started. Everything fell by the middle of P2.
  2. The scale of purchasing rare drops BoEs to Guaranteed drop instanced BoPs is not comparable. Not even close.

.02% drop rates versus 16%… how many orders of magnitude is that?

Also, P3 Incursions have undone most of the good that was accomplished by getting rid of GDKP.

Phase 2 economy was great, Phase 3 economy is trash, courtesy of Blizz’s screwup with NI.

I’ve made my points, and y’all look like clowns.

GDKP probably isn’t coming back, and most of us are okay with it.

I can’t wait until flasks are 500g at 60 and the BOE epics are 15k.

Also you bring up the thunderbrow ring, exactly 100s of gold and my guild leader who didn’t buy gold for gdkp but BOE items bought that + the other expensive ones and more than once because he had a feral and a warrior.

You all hate gdkp because you’re either poor or aren’t good enough to be a carry where you don’t need gold.


You haven’t made any clear concise point since you started typing

make sure you dont reply to the part where he says its more affordable to raid on wrath with gdkps than here without!

You’re almost there, now apply this to gdkps, an inherently good loot system being tainted by people who buy gold, I knew you could form some kind of thoughts on your own.

Go try to buy gold and pick a delivery method, let me know if “auction house” pops up, I never said it was the ONLY method of delivering gold to buyers.

Consumes weren’t ever expensive in p1, you got a source for this?? Like you keep requesting.

I’m a rogue and there is over 5,000 gold of BIS items that are on the AH, let me guess you need a source to come to the conclusion that that also makes people rmt?

You’re a clown with no actual thoughts of your own and when you can’t come to a common sense conclusion you ask for a “source”.

You made no good points because you’re a parrot for blizzard

Also to add insult to injury this version is dying and then blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided to throw in free xfers off imbalanced pvp realms which further fractures the balance of those realms and youre already seing posts on the forums about it.

Gotta love blizzards way of doing things!

Also you never responded to the fact that wotlk a version with massive rmt and gdkps is cheaper to raid than SOD.

You should ask blizzard why that is maybe they can give you a source


Holy moly this is quite literally the dumbest take I’ve seen on this thread. And this doofus has said ALOT of dumb things.

It’s definitely not putting a 30 day restriction on using the AH and cutting off the huge supply line from the farming bots. On Crusader Strike, literally every Alchemy consumable is crafted at a significant loss if you buy from the AH.

But yeah that’s definitely not going to drive as much RMT as GDKP, nope.

And don’t forget the min/max blizzard made by not buffing farming professions so most people are double crafted.

stormwolf should spam report this post so it gets hidden, i wouldnt want people to see me getting owned this hard

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Of course not, Blizzard fixed everything when they banned GDKPs and the one and only factor that completely destroyed the economy was Incursions.

It’s definitely not like people haven’t stopped swiping and underground GDKPs are still ongoing.