Anti GDKP crowd doesn't care about gold buying

So many anti GDKP players who dont even know what GDKP means.

Its like GOLD is mentioned and immediately they think of RMT.

get some braincells people


You cannot dispute this, sorry goldbuyers, you’ll just have to find another game to P2W in :frowning:


I couldn’t agree more, sister.

The GDKP ban definitely put a complete halt to RMT, no one is buying gold now

GDKP should just be banned in all versions, then bots will completely disappear and no one will support them

its genius

“So we bid gold towards buying BoP items that drop off of bosses, and the gold is put into a pot to distribute to raid members afterward.”

spends 5 USD for 100g
Joins GDKP
Bids 100 [very hard earned] Gold to buy purple weapon drop off of boss

Did I do the GDKP right?

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You mean gold is a reason to buy gold?


Blizzard can literally spoon feed you the dumbest things and you guys will just regurgitate them and parrot it like it means something.

You’re going to sit here and tell me that you honestly think the people who were buying gold aren’t still buying gold?


I’m unironically okay with direct cash payment between players for items.

Unlike GDKP which affects the economy at all levels, very negatively for players who don’t partake, I wouldn’t see the effects of this at all unless I was in a guild that does it, in which case I’d just leave.

It doesn’t do anything to the economy that’s just something you guys all make up.

Because of that were true why are sod consumables more expensive than Wrath?



You spend gold if you have it, if you dont, you save it and wait for the next raid,

if you get full bis you save until the next tier comes out so you can buy immediately.

buying gold is just a bad player issue and is not exclusive to GDKP. thats the point your pea brain cannot fathom


And now those same players are still buying gold.

It’s just being used on the auction house.

Over 5,000 gold worth of best in slot items on the auction house.

But you don’t see it advertised so I guess it doesn’t exist


TLDR: I can’t swipe

no, you definitely can still buy gold. and people are doing so now more than ever.

the GDKP ban did nothing, the point you cannot grasp

you know that not being able to understand basic concepts is a sign of a very low IQ


You think the people who were buying gold before aren’t still buying gold?

Acting like there isn’t over 5,000 gold worth of best in slot items on the auction house.

You guys are so delusional


Is this dude a bot ^ kekw seethe more swiper

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Yes I am maybe I can show you how to play your character because you can’t.

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I mean its saturday and you’re either

  1. serious and stupid
  2. trolling on your day off

go touch grass either way

He’s a Grobb player, they are pretty low skill players.

funny how right after the gdkp ban there were a bunch of threads calling for parsing/wcl to be banned, its almost like the people who were advocating the gdkp ban have an average iq of 65 (being generous here) and are also bad at the game so they want to force everyone into doing runs where theres nothing except luck involved in the loot distribution (they are too bad to farm gold) and be invited to runs where no one knows they parse an average of 15 (being generous here again) thats why when someone questions whether the gdkp ban has achieved even a single positive thing they default to one of 3 default NPC responses instead of interacting with the points being made


Look up the people who are anti gdkp if you want a good laugh.

No wonder 99% of them hide.



Even Blizzard saw this…It’s IN the bluepost where they banned it.
Something paraphrased like: “Big driver of RMT”

I gotta go, but I’ll make you a theoretical deal:

We bring back GDKPs, but ANY player who gets illicit gold from the GDKP pot shares the same vacation as the person who bought it in the first place.

That would make for an interesting GDKP scene.