Looks like Vol’jin is going to be replacing Rezan on a permanent basis.
I’m not allowed to post links unfortunately, but in the last chapter of the Ardenweald covenant Rezan dies and imbues Vol’jin with the last of his essence allowing him to be eventually reborn as a Loa.
For some reason, I wasn’t expecting a spoiler when I entered the thread. Maybe put [Spoiler] in the title for people like me who don’t think before they click.
I’m surprised people are surprised… this solves part of the power problem between Horde and Alliance, brings Vol’jin back, and all it costs is a character introduced this expansion.
Not better than, you know, not killing Vol’jin off in the first place, but a good solution.
I think that is only fair with Tyrande being the Avatar of Elune the Horde could need some higher powers, I guess.
Sicne at some point and we were at it in BFA, there was no reason anymore for Malfurion or Tyrande not solo farming the Horde which would have had nothing to counter it at all… so Böizz had to rely on bad writing and deus ex machinas.
Napalm; Airships; Zeppelins; Iron-Horde Tech; Azerite Tech; Black-Fuse Tech; Arcane Tech; two of the most talented and gifted Arcane civilizations in the world; Blight if needed; and a superior Navy. Frankly, the only thing keeping the balance of power on Kalimdor so heavily in the court of the NEs is that the EK Alliance has been keeping pace, and Blizz’s own constant refusal to remain consistent on tech and tactics advancement for either side after MoP.
The NEs are extremely powerful, especially their patriarch and matriarch, and I’m not even saying that the balance of power should necessarily have been tipped in the Horde’s favor on the continent. Far from it. But please don’t make the mistake of looking at the WoT and thinking the only side that was handicapped or “nerfed” was the NEs. The Horde was too in many ways.
In my Headcanon the things have been allways more like this:
NEs were on its own more powerfull than the other civilisations but had to be because they were basically surrounded by Horde and thus to not be completely run over had to be powerfull enough to at least create a draw on Kalimdor.
Same goes with Forsaken, the have had their WMD weapons that enabled them to deter the Allince dominating the continent.
But this balance of power at some point was …forgotten and somehow retconned overwritten and more and more super weapons were pulled out of buts and then again forgotten.
I mean next to Teldrassil is a literal spaceship stationed that was able to conquer the legions homeworld. Where wsa it in WoT? It is fast enough to travel into orbit of 2 planets but not fast enough to arrive 2 streets into the neighborhood?
So actually after WoT nothing like that is holy anymore. No race or civ no matter what capabilities they SHOULD have are safe or relevant. Writers don’t care at all.
If they wanted, the would just have Tyrande solo Orgrimmar and Orcs would just stay there with axes instead of Iron Stars and stuff like that. It is that rediculous.
Yet they completely rolled over NEs so… sorry not seeing this.
What exactly did Vol’Jin do to earn such an exalted status? Like I get that he was a good leader to his people, but he spent most of WoW just sitting around not doing much. He was Warchief of the entire horde for about one year, during which he… didn’t really do anything super-impressive.
I’m not saying he was a bad leader of anything, he was fine, but I don’t see what qualifies him for godhood.
Being a fan favourit.
Also one of the few old characters left from WC3 and he was connected or responsibe for naming Sylvanas Warchief by being tricked.
No idea trolls are weired and stupid and nobod should love them. They are trolls … don’t question it, just pat them somehow and move on.
Honestly, I don’t think this was originally planned. I think they were surprised at how upset fans were about him being killed off, and this is their way of apologizing.
But giving us Vol’jin back by taking away Rezan is, like, one step forward and one step back.
(Commentary): Is it strange to say that I wish they’d also make Zul’jin a Loa? Maybe he was in Revendreth and then got sent to Ardenweald? I’m sure Rezan had enough Loa-Juice for two new Loa. It’d be nice if a very old Horde name was essentially redeemed and able to return in some fashion.
Ehhhh I’m fine with it. Bwonsamdi showed that troll loas (as in loas who are trolls) are cool and as much as I’ll miss my alt’s patron god being a giant T Rex, it’s better than what was rumored before where the two fuse and we basically get neither of them.
The Darkspear, and Vol’jin, will now be relevant to all trolls, including Zandalari, forever. The Loa of Kings will be a Darkspear, holy crap, that’s kind of awesome?
Since when? Is Hakkar a wild god? Bwomsandi? Muezhala? As far as I know the only wild gods besides the ones the druids worship are the august celestials.