Another Vote Kick Rant

You’re free to make baseless assumptions, I guess. Not sure why you’re arguing with me, though.

You’re making baseless assumptions too. You have zero evidence anything the OP said is true. Even if it’s word for word true, it doesn’t mean the alternatives to the current system aren’t FAR worse. I’m here arguing with you for the same reason you’re arguing with me, boredom.

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There is always a bonus for running LFG. Even if you don’t get a satchel, you get AP or gold or some kind of bonus.

I later amended what I said, since you don’t like the bonus idea (and because it’s hard to implement, I’m sure). I suggested a limit. Once you’ve used your limit, no more LFD for you until the week resets. This way, people will consider whether to use their vote or not. I think this actually works better because you can still have the system without changing it. You just put a limit on it so that people have to be more judicious and can no longer just mindlessly vote to kick someone.

I never said anything like that. You could’ve picked anyone in the thread and started claiming this rubbish at them.

People already have a limit. There is a vote kick cooldown. Kick to many people and this cooldown stacks up. It can be weeks long if you’re kick happy. Removing peoples queueing abilities is bound to be abused by people who don’t care about heroics at all. 1 Elitist trolls the dungeon queue for a couple hours, forcing people to kick him over and over, and watch the crying flood the forums.

I quoted you directly buddy.

You don’t understand what benefit of the doubt means. You’re just going in circles.

Perhaps we need to think outside the square, consider that in FF14 you have a 90 minute time limit in most instances…so if you are dealing with a pug that really sucks at the game, it’s not a huge deal, worst thing that happens is the time runs out. Which is very rare.

Benefit of the doubt means trusting something until evidence to the contrary is presented. Emphasis on TRUSTING something.

Ok…? No queue’able content has a time limit AT ALL. People remove slow players not because they won’t make the timer, but because they don’t want to spend half an hour in a 10 minute dungeon.

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Yup, and when this thing happened DPS ended up getting to wait another 10 plus minutes inside the instance for replacements. I was in dungeons where this happened in Cata before they changed it so people had deserter buffs for getting kicked.

No, it means “To retain a favorable or at least neutral opinion of someone or something until the full information about the subject is available.”

Stop making a fool of yourself.

Okay, then we’re back to my original idea, which was to remove the deserter buff from people who get kicked.

Look, something should be done. It’s not cool, and it’s a huge problem because there are new people coming here everyday, and this place is a tiny microcosm. If it’s being vented about here, how many are actually experiencing it.

For every person who was an utter nightmare and got kicked and comes here playing innocent, there is another who was kicked for absolutely no reason at all. It happens in all kinds of LFG content, and it happens for malicious reasons. We can’t take away vote-to-kick because it’s needed. We can’t force people to be nice. But we can find a way to change how easy it is to punish someone who did nothing wrong.

Then go with a guild.

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Ok obviously you’re either a troll, or to dumb to understand what you listed. A FAVORABLE opinion in this case, means you trust him. I’m not responding to you anymore. You’re wrong, we’re done.

Trust has nothing to do with it. Look up your words before you use them.

Boom. Exactly. Random…is random. If you don’t like random players, don’t play with random people. Or…barring that, let go of the right to stick someone with a 30-minute debuff that means he can’t play for the next half hour simply because he was too slow for the people in his last group.

NO, you CANNOT remove the deserter debuff. That just makes healers and tanks with instant queue’s into gods that will hold groups hostage to get what they want.

I would MUCH rather deal with groups of 3 removing people as a troll, than any ONE person being able to ruin the group whenever they want with no consequences.

Nothing needs to change unless you can come up with a perfect system that can’t be abused. You can’t, but feel to try.

LOL the fact that you think i’d waste my guilds time, “and give up the satchel in the process,” for the waste of time that is ANY queue’able content is hilarious to me.

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The deserter debuff doesn’t apply to all dungeon queues. There is one for randoms, and one for specifics. It has no effect on anything you mentioned.

How? First of all, healers. do. not. have. instaqueues. Only tanks do. And tanks are the ones who use the kick function more than any other in my experience. The ones who don’t have to wait are the ones with least patience for “slow” players.

The person you kick gets kicked but is allowed to LFD for another group without a deserter buff. It’s not enough for you to eject the person you don’t like? You also NEED for that person to be punished for not being someone you wanted to play with? I don’t get it.

LOL the fact that you think i’d waste my guilds time, “and give up the satchel in the process,” for the waste of time that is ANY queue’able content is hilarious to me.

Dude the whole point of the satchel is to give you incentive to go with noobies that don’t know what they doing in content.

My healers queue’s are always 10-30 seconds tops. Not quite instant but who cares.

You don’t get it because you didn’t experience it. I was a DK in Wrath when the queue was added without the deserter debuff when people are kicked. Everytime we got Occulus or Halls of Reflection, tanks would sit at the entrance and REFUSE to do anything until you kicked them. Then the whole group had to wait another 20-30 minutes. Healers weren’t QUITE as bad, but it happened with them alot too. The deserter debuff fixed this for the most part.

Wrong, the whole point of the satchel is to reduce wait times for DPS. Blizzard has posted about this MULTIPLE times. Normal dungeons are for newbies who don’t know anything. I’m hardly kick happy in heroics, but if you can’t even do your basic job you don’t belong there.

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