Wut? No, you would use the premade group feature that’s been in the game since WoD? Do you not know it exists or something?
Tovi summarizes my point well.
Queued content is the problem, and whether vote kick exists or not, is irrelevant to me.
Some one was trying to do a dungeon, and some random people just voted on removing him for no reason.
That type of anti-social interaction only happens because the system is so anti-social in the first place.
If you built your group yourself like you should in an MMORPG, the situation would be dramatically less likely to happen.
I’d say it would never happen, but I’m sure there is some idiot who wants to just kick people from his own group only to have to wait and find another.
That’s actually the other big problem. They can kick, and get a replacement air mailed to them without any down time.
The rewards are actually spectacular for leveling. But ya, max level it’s lost its purpose.
I think its only hard because people don’t know it though. Doesn’t feel overtuned at all to me. I still end up soloing half the stuff when the others die.
You should spend some time collecting some powerful items that scale down well.
There used to be whole checklists for back when CMs used the same tech.
Start with legion legendaries and any old set bonuses you might be able to get your hands on.
Firetree Horde US
Can be done in normal and mythic as well.
Yeah, because people aren’t constantly on the forums complaining about people not picking them for groups. Forcing everyone into the group finder for this type of content is just going to make those complaints explode.
The issue is that the people holding groups hostage were not generally DPS. They were tanks and to a lesser degree healers. Kicking them isn’t a punishment because they have instant queues so holding the group hostage until they got kicked prevented them from receiving deserter so they could instantly queue again. That was the issue, and still is the issue.
I also find it hard to believe that someone doing nothing wrong is being kicked repeatedly in group content. The votekick system is fine and provides a necessary tool that far outweighs the incredibly infrequent “abuses.” The end point really is if the majority of the group doesn’t want you there they are not obligated to play with you.
DCs are one thing for sure. Honestly though, you can do it without that person. Its not ideal, but neither is it when some one DCs from non-queuable content.
It only seems like a big deal and a good idea to remove him because you can get a replacement air mailed to you so quick.
If you had to go all the way out and summon, or wait for them to arrive, you’d just continue with four.
Even if its a tank or a healer. One person can basically solo any dungeon they are in at any given time. Maybe not at super low level, but honestly if you just couldn’t remove anyone, I’d imagine people would still complete dungeons perfectly fine.
That wouldn’t be a good idea though.
[quote=“Nehrzul-icecrown, post:4, topic:66139”]
I am 1 of 2 left in a guild I’ve been in since 2007, so I don’t have many options
[/quote] your guild is dead. leave it and find a new one. they quit or stop logging on but you’re supposed to stay and play alone? that doesn’t make any sense

Yeah, because people aren’t constantly on the forums complaining about people not picking them for groups. Forcing everyone into the group finder for this type of content is just going to make those complaints explode.
It doesn’t really matter, those complaints are actually valid complaints in respect to this.
They are talking about systems like Mythic+, where you have to have a key to do a dungeon.
We are not.
Anyone can form a group for a trivially easy dungeon.
They don’t have to be picked by some one else to do it, and honestly it would take far less time than waiting in the queue often does.
The groups can even choose to go without a tank if they wanted, despite the queuing system forcing you into waiting for some one who isn’t needed now.
4 dps, as long as one of them is melee, can do any normal or heroic level dungeon with a healer easily.

That’s actually the other big problem. They can kick, and get a replacement air mailed to them without any down time.
The exact same thing can happen in manually formed groups as well except that individuals are at the whims of the group leader without any majority needs. Your suggestion does nothing as far as improving any of the issues at all because the exact same issues will exist. Tempermental group leaders will jettison dead weight in a heart beat just to grab a new person from their applicant pool and summon them in. Literally no difference. It is like you aren’t even attempting logical reasoning at this point.

4 dps, as long as one of them is melee, can do any normal or heroic level dungeon with a healer easily
You keep spouting this nonsense without considering it is only possible once gear inflation has occurred within the expansion. At the start of the expansion, no people are not clearing heroics without a tank.

It doesn’t really matter, those complaints are actually valid complaints in respect to this.
They are talking about systems like Mythic+, where you have to have a key to do a dungeon
If you remove the queued group system it will force everyone into a non-keyed version of the mythic+ system for trivial content. If people aren’t being picked now for m+ because of idiotic “meta comp” desires for low keys do you really think this isn’t going to propogate through to this same system? If you say no, then it is clear you aren’t here for logical discussion and are just being intentionally ignorant.

It is like you aren’t even attempting logical reasoning at this point.
I could say the same about you, honestly. But I wouldn’t. Instead what I think the disconnect results from is just a lack of experience with content like this on your end.
First of all, you are of course right. I admitted that even though I believe it will never happen, it will. There are insane people in the world who do things that are illogical, and they exist anywhere, so saying it will “never” happen is just as insane.
However, it would be greatly reduced, and here’s why.
The group leader would then need to REPLACE that person themselves. Right now, you get jettisoned a new warm body without any hesitation or wait when you kick some one. Its as easy as shopping on amazon. If you had to actually go out and summon that person, or relist the group and wait for people to agree to sign up to a half-completed dungeon, you wouldn’t just randomly kick people.
More so, you are neglect the fact that anyone can initiate a vote kick against anyone else no matter the reason.
If I’m the group leader, no one can kick me.
If Rick is the group leader, and I want to kick Bob over there, I can’t do it.
So by default, it lowers the likelihood that it COULD even happen automatically.
Regardless, the whole system is far too quick and easy and its compromising what an MMORPG is supposed to be about. It shouldn’t exist.
Even if similar practices happen in the standard grouping format, they still happen under confines of a normal group building process.
I don’t believe they will, though.

Anyone can form a group for a trivially easy dungeon.
Correct. Yet, based on all the complaints on the forum regarding group content the #1 excuse used is that thr bulk of people are unwilling to form their own dungeon groups or raid groups because they feel they lack the ability to lead. Even when that isn’t even required people still cling to that excuse for why they refuse to form their own groups for any type of content outside of brain dead WQ spam.

You keep spouting this nonsense without considering it is only possible once gear inflation has occurred within the expansion. At the start of the expansion, no people are not clearing heroics without a tank.
Yes they are. I soloed heroics on the beta when the ilvl scaling was in place. They are trivially easy content and groups of 2-3 people can easily complete them as long as some one can tank OR heal, even if its not effectively. You also get a buff currently just for grouping with randoms that is just not needed at this point in the game.

If you remove the queued group system it will force everyone into a non-keyed version of the mythic+ system for trivial content. If people aren’t being picked now for m+ because of idiotic “meta comp” desires for low keys do you really think this isn’t going to propogate through to this same system? If you say no, then it is clear you aren’t here for logical discussion and are just being intentionally ignorant.
Its called M0. People already form groups for it, and they realize its extremely easy so no meta is needed.
Sorry, but please stop calling me “intentionally ignorant.” If you don’t do actual pugging then just leave your opinion and don’t insult mine.
I’m a great deal more experienced in this matter than you, and I promise you, no one is going to be looking for M+ score for a normal dungeon.
They will just take the first few people who seem qualified and move on.
You can also make your own group, which isn’t possible for M+.
They don’t need to lead anything. Just invite 4 players.
The vote kick system is perfectly fine and is mostly used by random groups of players to remove trolls, afkers, bad players, toxic people etc…
Granted if you join a group that is say 4 guildies in a dungeon or two in a island there’s a good chance they will kick you near the end thinking it’s le epic troll but even with that being able to kick the former type of people more than makes up for the latter as it’s a rare occasion.

Instead what I think the disconnect results from is just a lack of experience with content like this on your end
And what content do you think I lack experience in? I assure you, I do not lack for experience in any content in this game except pet battles. Is that what we are talking about now? Or did you just click on the character profile and make an assumption without actually checking anything?

m a great deal more experienced in this matter than you, and I promise you, no one is going to be looking for M+ score for a normal dungeon
Ahh, so that is exactly what you did. Mmkay. That is a cute attempt at armory shaming, but you failed.

They don’t need to lead anything. Just invite 4 players
Derp? That was exactly what I implied above except people constantly throw around the excuse of, “I am not a leader,” for any group content they are told to form themselves.

People already form groups for it, and they realize its extremely easy so no meta is needed
And yet people still fill the group finder eith ridiculius stuff like, “M+2, 800+ IO need rogue/DH.” It does not matter how easy the content is. The masses are idiotic in their desire to duplicate what they see done at the high end and it always, always trickles down to base level content.

Actually I think this needs to happen. Just delete the vote kick system and be done with it. Let the group leader have sole discretion on when to boot. And delete dungeon deserter.
At this point removing these 2 things would greatly improved the game experience.
So instead of having 3 jerks agree to remove you, you just need one
Do you know what the troll leaders would do ? they will take you all to the last boss and kick everyone wasting your time ( time spent in queue and time spent in the dungeon) , have their laughs and complete it with the next group that pops in
Tanks will queue up for a dungeon and if they are not the leader they will leave and queue up again because no deserter+ instant queues ,till they become leader and have veto power. You are royally screwed if you get this tank as a lead

Yes they are. I soloed heroics on the beta when the ilvl scaling was in place. They are trivially easy content and groups of 2-3 people can easily complete them as long as some one can tank OR heal, even if its not effectively
Sure you did. I am not sure if you could feel my eyeroll, but it was pretty substantial.
Are you trying to imply that masses who struggle still with basic content are going to magically be able to 2 or 3 man heroics as soon as they hit level cap? I can’t even begin to believe you are being serious with what you are spewing.
The main reason it is in the game is afkers. It was never intended to be used as a performance monitor. STO has a better way of handling it. If you do not do x amount of damage you get zero credit for it. For abusive language you could add something that kicks you if 3 out 5 players ignore you. To behonest it is no win situation for Blizzard.