Another Vote Kick Rant

What realm are you on? I have some toons in practically empty guilds from 2007 too.

To the OP, man I’m sorry. I feel your pain.

I was empathetic until the “report player performance” part. Players are already finding reasons to be intimidated by PvE content in regards to receiving criticism from others.

The cooldown period after being kicked should be removed since the system is obviously being abused. Even if it’s intended to punish players that leave dungeons early, that’s still absolute rubbish. No one should be punished for not wanting to be in a group for whatever reason.


Vote kick absolutely needs to be a thing or people will get trolled and harassed in dungeons like they used to before vote kick. Or do you just have zero memory of that fiasco that we went through?

Uh… they most certainly do have a purpose and always have. People still gear in them because WQs don’t always give better gear. They are part of the process of advancing through content.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: So you want us to have less ways to advance through content at end game and less stuff to do?

I don’t even…


At this point, heroic dungeons just feel like an unnecessary mid-step between normal dungeons and mythics/raids.

They’re not unnecessary to those who don’t do Mythics or raid. And there are quite a lot of people who don’t do such things.

Some guilds start off running things the old fashioned way: Normal, Heroic and maybe, if they feel like it, they might try Mythic.

I know a lot of people who only do stuff with their guild, but don’t touch raiding or Mythics. They won’t go into LFR and don’t use LFG.

Heroic is still a stepping stone for some.


Guess I’ll be that guy as usual.

Why are we immediately taking the OP for his word? For all we know the guy is a douche and people keep giving him the boot.


I like ffxiv’s feature.
You can kick people but if it’s not for a valid reason you’re gonna face a suspension for harassing your fellow players and don’t give me the “oh they can do that cuz they’re not as big as wow”
(Buzzer) wrong ! Including asia they far surpass wow in active players (asain countries for FFXIV don’t have to pay a sub) and yet they monitor this

If they get vote kick abuse complaints they follow up.

As far as wow goes I expect AH behavior in pugs and just switch to a different character if I get kicked.

But I understand completely …the toxicity in groups and islands are the reasons I ever think about unsubbing.


Let me get this straight: people is complaining now that a majority of the group can kick you out of a dungeon using VtK for any reason and your solution is to remove VtK and give full power to the group leader? Yeah, no. I don’t think that would fly.

Even removing the penalty, it impacts negatively the DPS roles as they would basically join a dungeon after waiting a long time, just to be kicked at any point in the run because that is what gets the group leader’s rocks off.

Considering that you do not mention any kind of penalty for the group leader doing this, it will be abused: even VtK has a protection system where there is a point where you cannot kick anyone anymore from the group.

This power already exists within M queues and there is no abuse (or at least not so obvious) for two reasons (rather ‘restrictions’ which would not apply to N/H dungeons, especially when they are part of a quest):

  • it is in the best interests of all to have the group finish the run and
  • the way M queues work now: it locks the key to the group on start which means you cannot pull a trolling trick of kicking out a group member or replace it with one of your friends when all the bosses but the last one is done.

Yes, you could technically abuse the key and start kicking out people but it would be a waste because you had to put some kind of effort to get it in the first place.

whoa, is this recent? I had an issue with a group that decided to kick me out of a dungeon out-of-the-blue, no explanation or complaints in party chat, they just stopped and I was kicked out, this was about a year ago. Coming from WoW, I just shrugged it off and requeued but I did not know it was reportable.

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I’m proud to say that the only time I click yes to a vote kick is when the person is dc-ed or clearly afk.


Try giving people the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming they’re complaining because they’re the ones at fault. Sure, sometimes the guilty party comes to the forums to vent, but I think at least ten other people here have been in the same situation as OP. I know I have.

Happens to me too. “Yiff in hell,” “furry,” “furf*g,” I’ve gotten all of these simply because I play a Pandaren. Yet the player who initiates the kick doesn’t get in trouble, -I do.- I am the one who doesn’t get to play. I am the one who gets the deserter debuff. It is so completely unfair that people blatantly abuse the system for the dumbest reasons and the person getting kicked is the one who reaps the punishment.


Sadly it has to be a thing such as when a tank goes afk for all eternity or someone DCs. I agree it needs to be worked over like you said, a total overhaul.

Exactly, and I know that sometimes the people who come in and complain about this are actually the ones at fault, but I think most are telling the absolute truth. The problem isn’t that there are jerks on the internet. We know there are, and we can deal with that. Getting kicked isn’t the issue. Getting a deserter buff for a half hour because two 14 year-olds think it’s funny to kick any panda/gnome/female toon/or whatever…that’s not cool.

The kick system solved a huge problem, and I don’t advocate getting rid of it altogether, but we have to acknowledge that it creates another one…and that new problem would go away altogether if we lost the deserter buff for being kicked.

Just get rid of deserter for vote-kicks and it becomes a non-issue.

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I get what Metrohaha is saying and it’s not just about removing votekick.

LF heroic dungeons are pointless. There are so many better ways to gear your character (WQ, WF, Invasions, crafting) and you get little to no rep for doing them. Just makes you wonder why they’re still in the game especially with how Mythic+ works.

I agree that legacy content should be the only thing you can queue up for but I don’t agree with removing votekick. This person said it best:

Timewakling in concept is great.

In practice it’s an overtuned, under rewarded fustercluck.

I can blast through 4 mythics and get better gear than suffer through 5 timewalking and get lesser gear. They either need to up the rewards or reduce the difficulty of the dungeons.


Sometimes you need to do a quest in the dungeon, and that’s when the heroic queues come in handy.

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Ive been vote kicked for making a Star Wars joke.

You havent been playing WoW until youve been vote kicked for the most trivial of reasons. It happens.


I can’t help thinking there is more to the story than all this but even then 2 vote kicks in a month makes me think you are actually doing something wrong in there.

Based on what you say here, your attitude towards the group may be coming through some way to them either in what you say or do.

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They already tried that and it created other problems. Blizzard must have stats on the number of people getting kicked out of dungeons, and I would be really really surprised if it is more than 1%.

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Not trying to be difficult, but what problems were those? The deserter debuff is for those who purposely leave to screw the group. If one is arbitrarily removed, what purpose does that serve? The “offender” is already punished with having to requeue and repeat content.