Rakia is right. This game is nothing more than a M+ instance crawler. Its such a sad state because eventually the broader masses will quit. Couple friends of mine who played since Cata quit a couple of months ago. And why? They couldnt sustain the 20m roster for Mythic anymore. After a few months of M+ spam they got bored and quit. “Its just M+ thats it, BORING”.
Look at 10.1 its exactly that. A zone that died faster than you can look and has almost nothing in it. The game couldnt become more formula like right now. On top you have the most boring theme and story for an expansion possible and you got a disaster like the sale of DF.
I dont mind M+ being “there” but it seems like they develop nothing else and it will kill the game. Plenty of people that advocate for a differnent type of M+ without timer bs etc. but they only listen to the hardcore sweaty crowd. Well good luck funding this disaster in the future.
and before m+ end game was nothing more than a “fly around your garrison in circles until raid time” crawler.
now in the downtime when we’re not raiding there’s actually something to do, it’s pretty great.
I just wish the ilvl discrepancy between people who do that and those who don’t wasn’t so big early in the season.
I mean yes. there’s a huge ilvl gap of ~10 ilvls in my raid (just using it as an example) between the people who m+ and the people who don’t.
but those who engage in more content are going to gear faster, that’s just how it works. I don’t think that’s a problem.
maybe I’d feel differently if I hated m+
Thats WoD. A time where they had much less developers at hand and a failed development plan. Im talking about Legion which made every content relevant. Not only that but you had class halls, campaigns. Artifact weapons for every spec with all its associated mogs you could farm from all varieties of content. More questlines for professions than just “collect 25 Dracthyr weapons” every week bs. Mage Tower. World Quests that were actually rewarding. Withered Training. Even Archaeology had its unique quests / rewards lmao.
BfA atleast had Warfronts and Islands. Failed concepts but atleast something. Torghast was fine too if not tied to rewards. Shouldve reiterated on that and improved. Instead we got nothing. DF is boredom²
I don’t think it’s a problem that a gap exists, I just think it’s too big in the early weeks of the season.
fair, and I agree that they could do much, much better with non-instanced end game content than they have been.
they have it in their heads that “fly around and kill rares” is fun and engaging, and that’s about all they’ve given us the past few tiers.
Yep, good luck trying to get this into the heads of the people that sit on these forums all day long and argue with anyone that dares raise criticism around the fact the game heavily revolves around spamming 8 dungeons per season. Even PVP, which I love suffers from the same nonsense, same arenas and same battlegrounds for years.
The game feels like it is in some kind of maintenance mode. I find it hilarious that other MMOs with a much smaller teams and budgets can manage to put out way more interesting content than WoW does.
I mean look at the sad state of OW2, I’ve never seen a more epic failure of a studio with Blizzard’s resources.
People keep blaming the suits at the top, but I completely think it is the developers themselves that are clueless, that lack vision and lack talent.
I’m glad that Holly Longdale got added to the team. It seems she has a much better grasp as to what casual MMO players want from their MMORPGs. Hint, it isn’t sweaty content like M+.
Edit: People keep bringing up the fact that the game would be boring without M+ and that is the point a lot of us are trying to make. M+ feels like it is being used by the developers as a way to keep players engaged at the expense of the rest of the game.
Cata hovered around 10 million subs. MoP was the slowest selling xpac ever. It finished at 7 million. Subs spiked for the launch of WoD but tanked 6 months in. Blizzard stopped reporting subs but most estimates put it finishing at less than 2 million.
Usually when people ask to back up stuff, they mean sources. Otherwise, I can say there are 20 millions playing right now and you can’t disprove me.
That piece is guaranteed and is easier to get than clearing all of mythic ATSC. One again though, I don’t care, I was just saying that if you were to make a change, having more stuff drop in a raid isn’t the way I would do it because then its the same time investment for more reward. Allowing to clear a raid more than once makes it so you can get more reward for more time invested.
Mists finished low because it was 14 months between warlords.
Warlords had nothing going for it. entire game revolved around playing farmville in your garrison and the stupid mission table.
To make things worse, 6.1. The first real major content patch was more garrison garbage and the selfie camera and twitter integration.
6.2 was the jump to hellfire citadel and thats where warlords ended.
Warlords was kneecapped by blizzard themselves and nobody wanted to play an expansion where it was clear that blizzard themselves didnt care.
Where does this have anything to do with mythic+ mattering to the longevity of the game.
You say this but then also advocate going back to raid or die. Big yikes.
M+ is the pve content they added because mop/ wod had nothing outside of raids…
What do you want to do then?
I used to be more hardcore and play constantly and raid Cutting Edge.
Now I’m older and can’t be bothered to raid on a schedule. I prefer M+ because I can just log in, game for a few hours, and log out if I get bored or have to get back to real life.
I don’t want to have to deal with hours of raid prep farming Korthia or doing timegated content that requires you to turn your brain off and repeatedly kill the same rares 400 times.
I want to log in, game with my friends, and log out. M+ gives this to me. If it did not exist I would 100% quit this game for good.
Mists had plenty to do pretty much though the whole expansion, what are you even talking about. The gear gap wasnt so extreme like it is today that you HAD to raid. There was enough welfare epics that you could have easily picked up from badges, or from battlegrounds.
Warlords lacked things to do because there wasnt anything to do.
It had dailies and timeless isle. Neither are relevant forms of high end pvp content. Neither reward gear comparable to raid drops.
This is correct. And why they added ap, class hall quests, and M+. BFA/ SL expanded by adding other things like islands, warfronts or visions.
Dumb players already got those removed. You are asking for M+ to be removed.
Are you actually trying to bring WoD back?
no thanks lol
They do this, and a LOT of people will quit.
I only do M+/PvP. I will never raid. Getting ksm/ksh on 2-3 toons a season is something I have always done since late BFA. Its so much more fun than smacking one boss for 2-3 hours and getting zero loot.
Just to be clear, we all see this is a 100% lie right? There is literally a weekly cap on crests that you can fill by raiding (or close to it). Once you hit that cap, you could literally run 10000000 m+ and not get a single additional crest fragment that week.
This is just another salty raider that has people bail on the keys they do because they die on every pack, ignore them and move on.
M+ without the timer exists, it’s called heroic or Mythic 0.
I don’t know why people care about a timer. You can largely ignore it, you still get gear. If you complete the dungeon in time that is a pretty good indicator you are ready to move up a keystone level. If you are wiping a bunch and not finishing in time you probably need to practice some more.