The best gear while raid logging.
It didn’t have timeless isle till the very end. You could have, again, used your badges to get gear.
And none of those things should have given gear comparable to raid? Why should they have?
The class hall, like everything else in legion, bfa and shadowlands, was timegated to hell.
Artifact power grinds were the single worst thing legion brought to the table, and bfa somehow made it worse. Islands in particular were a bore and something you HAD to do or you were behind the rest of the playerbase. They werent engaging or fun. They were, again, timegated busy work to pad playtime metrics.
You genuinely have no idea what youre even talking about.
They already get the “best” gear by raid logging.
They also want the 2nd best gear to not exist, so that anyone who doesn’t raid is forced to /bow at them in town to show admiration for all their shiny raid gear.
And yet your guild can’t kill scalecommander on normal right… Joram of Blackrock Munity with all that easy access to gear and upgrades.
as a pvper im limited to how many conquest points i can even get. m+ shouldn’t be spammable at all. In other words, i agree with you.
Yes. Things have time gates. Welcome to WoW.
A raid logger would say that.
You have argued for the removal of any pve content that provides player power outside of raids. What do you think that leads to?
Your content droughts aren’t going to go away because greater rifts exist. They never have. Bfa and shadowlands are regarded as some of the worst expansions only dwarfed by warlords. Mythic+ didnt save either of those expansions no matter your copium. They were bad experiences with or without.
If Legion, BFA and Shadowlands had followed Cata, instead of MoP/ WoD they probably would have been received differently.
Too many MoP/ WoD players expect to be able to raid log, lobby pvp and level alt armies instantly.
While there’s a seasonal cap which increases each week, if you’ve max’d crests both weeks, I’m fairly sure you can have every slot upgraded to 441 early this coming week.
All that’s left for the entirety of the season now is getting lucky in vault or the rare item slots in raid. Nearly everything else is crafted or fixed via it being a tier slot. If you actively raid and do content, the speed at which you gear this patch is insanely fast, and actual drops quickly become irrelevant from all content.
Arguing into the void with these people. They can only see their side and nothing else. People have been screaming for 4 expansion packs now that people want other content that doesn’t revolve around spamming 8 dungeons on various difficulties.
Blizzard pretty much is coasting by now, relying on its m+ crowd to keep the game afloat.
If you max crests both weeks you need 24 wyrm crests and 21 aspect crests to be 441-447 with 1 vault. If you looted 2 items from either mythic or rare heroic you could be fully done in week 2.
If you grinded all those crests and played for what sounds like 60+ hours a week you SHOULD be done in 2 weeks.
Meanwhile people with jobs and lives will be done in closer to 2 months.
Not everyone is capping their crests every week, that’s a crapload of keys.
If only they had tried adding different content… maybe stuff like ap, artifacts, legion dailies, pvp wqs, class hall quests, mage tower, withered training, assaults, islands, warfronts, visions, torghast, covenants, etc…
Yeah, no.
im strictly doing m+ and im 10 ilvls behind people in the keys i run beause i dont raid.
Agreed, and I don’t personally think it should be feasible or encouraged. Hence my saying that I’d rather the crest cap be lower but the amount of crests per key also be higher.
Nah, just let people play however they want. If they want to play an insane amount of hours let them, I just don’t want to hear them cry about how they don’t have anything to do when they clear the raid on the first week and have all their gear.
If you think you can do 9 dungeons faster than a group can blitz through the raid idk what to tell you.
Even outside of Mythic, Neltharion Trinkets from NORMAL are going to be on average better than the current M+ trinket pool (on classes they are good on obviously). Casters/Healers have pretty bad options for both weapons and trinkets from the current M+ pool albeit crafting a weapon is better than drops from both (unless it is a unique item with effect).
They’re never removing M+. It’s the most popular feature in the game and it isn’t even close.
Whats your plan for PVP?