Another Run, No Gear (Fix it Blizzard)

Whoop, there’s the reply I expected.

At least part of you knows that you’re wrong.

This game was not designed to reward your play time. Removing the valor cap helps.

I get the frustration, having ground out a scale multiple times during the shadowlands seasons. Moreover I’d love to see some non-RNG bad luck protection that wasn’t crafting via a currency. But complaining that the statistics are wrong isn’t going to earn any sympathetic ears IMO. Everybody is in the same boat on that one.

But do I think loot could be better: Yes. I think a way to buy things like trinkets and weapons in particular would be a really nice addition via a slowly accumulated currency cough Valor cough that we already have. But that’s just my two cents.

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Nope, pretty confident that I’m speaking my truth. You forget that this is an opinion and something that I (Yes me) would like to see change. You are free to have your own opinions, but immediately replying to a post and calling someone entitled in your first reply to the thread is counterproductive and assuming. Try sharing your thoughts in a civil manner instead of trying to start pointless arguments. It’s toxic.

Considering we can craft up to 418 perfect stat weapons with an embellish (among other slots) I think we have pretty good non-RNG powerful gear in DF. Mats for this drop off every boss and dungeon.

Trinkets are basically the only interesting gear slot left as the rest are boring generic template stats.

Yeah. Some games just let you play. Others, like WoW, MAKES YOU PLAY.

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Missing my point, there are pieces crafting just cannot replace. I’m not saying that people should be able to buy them in say five runs. But I think it would be valid if it say took 50 valor bonus runs to make it happen and they were still at M2 level so you still had to dump yet more valor into it. Things like tanking trinkets or the bow off of Raz in particular come to mind. Crafting simply cannot replace those.

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I personally love that someone with 20 item levels higher on item that is being rolled on is even allowed to roll need. Taking upgrades away from players who need them. The whole gear system is bad and always has been. Everything should just drop tokens that work your way to gear. This random crap was stupid ever since Vanilla.


Senatrix, please don’t speak logic… People don’t understand logic. I’m trying to save you. (Speaking from experience) :face_with_head_bandage:

Dang it ,forgot it was Tuesday,I need some coffee.

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There are always confronting interests between Blizzard and players.
Players (You) want to “finish” the game (get gear fast) and Blizzard (any company) wants to slow player down to NOT finish the game and unsub.
Many players play to get BiS, many to get all mounts, toys, pets, tmogs whatever. Author job is to slow that down to some limit so players dont get everything they want fast, “finishing” game fast means author is loosing a customer and money with it.
So Blizzard balances all this with mix of rng and timegating.
Hope this is not hard concept to grasp.

No, it makes perfect sense. It’s all about the money and not caring whether people truly enjoy the game. WoW has figured out how to make the game just barely better than the rest, yet not as good as it could be… Common, we know they have the people and knowledge to do something absolutely amazing.

Understanding is one thing, accepting is another.

There is a whole industry built upon the ignorance of that, it is called News Media.

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Popularity contests contest progress

Oh you did a weekly quest?
Here is your “Cobalt” item epic. You know the one you’ve gotten so many times before!

Blizz needs to bring back randomization of stats and gear for quest rewards.

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thats how its always been… be glad you can run 2’s and take 10-mins a piece until you get it then just instant boost it to your max rank based on your M+ rating.

Seek out groups that have stacked armor types… loot is tradeable.

Man, It’s almost like were playing a MMO or something.

We used to have a way around this. Something that dropped from just about every form of content that, if you were unlucky with drops or rolls, the run didn’t feel like a waste of time because you got a piece of currency that, over time, could be used to purchase gear.

Something called…badges? Yeah I think they were badges.

Would be great if we had those again.


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