Another Run, No Gear (Fix it Blizzard)

WoW has literally always been a grind my dude lol.

I totally agree with you on that, it seems the loot drop rate in Mythics was nerfed in shadowlands season 3 and never put back to normal.
On your later posts I can understand working many hours and having a set amount of time. I am on the opposite side of the spectrum. Being disabled I have too much time to play, seeing no loot on my alts is hard to stomach while trying to gear many alts up.

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I seem to get one drop every 10-12 M+ runs. It’s a bit demoralizing, really.


On average, you’d expect 2 items every 5 runs.

But here’s the thing with averages and small sample size: the smaller your sample is, the farther off the average it is likely to be. 17 runs is small enough that outliers are still possible, and we can see that you have gotten at least 3 items from M+ by looking at your armory. 3 items from 17 runs is about the same luck as rolling a 4 out of 100 or lower.

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Glad to see I’m not just being trolled by an absorbent amount of players who are stuck in the past and don’t want to see change.

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No, the M+ drop rate on loot has been the exact same since mid SL S1 (2 items per run below loot cap).

That’s on my Paly, easier to get gear when you can queue up and control mythics. Not so much when you play a dps character.

I agree they should give like maybe a currency to allow you to get gear if you don’t get gear that drops, but making it so you are guaranteed to get a drop goes against the loot system of the game. Makes it not RNG, and if some stranger is with you on that run, well you take away their chance for loot by that, unless they make it a drop out of the loot pool for others, which they might as well then just do the currency.

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This expansion is better than the others in my opinion, but yes, demoralizing and less fun when gear is so hard to come by.

Isn’t that kind of the role that crafting fills this expansion?

If you’re having trouble getting a particular spot to drop, craft one with the exact stats you want.

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A Currency would be a nice option. that way you can at least guarentee yourself a nice piece of gear. Not just something that can be upgraded to a measly 385 ilvl.

If only they always dropped some sort of crafting mats that let you craft very powerful items in any slot.

Crafting is also a massive grind. And if you want something crafted by others you have to spend hours collecting the mats or have enough gold to buy them all considering anyone can charge anything for mats on the AH.

Most of the mats are between 5-8k for a craft. That is for all 3 star quality mats.

They aren’t expensive, at all.

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And remember that the AH is region wide now, and you rarely need R3 mats.

Most crafters I’ve had make something can pull off 392/405 with R2 mats.

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And then recrafts and titan matrix’s and item upgrade mats? Nobody wants a permanent 384/385 ilvl piece of gear.

This is why I stopped doing the weekly quest unless I planned to do those activities for other reasons. Really wish they would make it so that if you have an item, it is impossible for it to show up in the great vault again.

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You craft the epic stuff that starts at 382, goes to 392 at R5, the you can use add an infusion to get it to 405/418.

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Wow, you have a job, join the club.

Not doing much to refute my “entitlement” label.

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Recraft mats are normally around 3-5k

You get the infusions for free doing content not sure why you are bringing up titans matrix. They are the guaranteed drop bad luck protection items off every boss and dungeon.

So maybe 10-12k for a perfectly statted chosen slot 402/405 item after recraft in a high value slot like a weapon.

Seems like a steal tbh.

And you don’t have to go and craft 5 items at once. Do some content, maybe craft 1 every week or 2 weeks filling in slots you haven’t gotten.

It takes time to build up the primal focus/concentrated primal focus anyway.

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