Another Run, No Gear (Fix it Blizzard)

Tired of doing runs and not getting a damn item. This needs to be fixed. I should have to do 3,4,5 runs just to get one item. Also, the weekly quests are giving you the exact same item from the week before, that should NEVER happen, previous items need to be logged and taken out of the loot table.


Not how that works chief.


Obviously, that’s why it needs changed.


It doesn’t need to be changed.


RNG loot is part of why I play this game over others, it’s equal parts frustrating and exhilarating.

There’s other games out there if you want more deterministic loot


I’ll agree the weekly quest loot pool is borked as hell.

As an HPriest i’ve gotten the goddam offhand 402 for 3 weeks in a row.


Rng gonna rng brother

Rng is fine, however it needs to be tweaked. id understand if it was every other run, but there’s just too many times where you get absolutely nothing

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Lol I’m on 45th run at Halls of Valor for the eye of Slovald. It’s supposed to be a grind dude.


I’m probably in the realm of 80 noks for ragefeather.

I have about 10 staffs though :joy:


So Blizzard is just at the point where their game has become another dungeon crawler and nothing but a grind? Cause that’s what it feels like anymore.


Make sure you mow the lawn… but don’t eat the grass.

It wouldn’t be random if it was tweaked

You get the stuff to craft near-mythic gear now, even with bad loot luck. Drop the entitlement and work like the rest of us.


What? That’s what it’s always been to me. With extra stuff like professions and things like that and raid so everyone can enjoy different things…

sorry…but if you got everything you wanted on the 1st few runs, you’d be bored in a week, and wanting more new stuff to chase.

so as frustrating as it is, and maybe it needs to be loosened up a bit, but, the system is in place for a reason…

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Please point out where you were ever promised consistent and unique drops in the first place

I knew someone was going to go straight to “entitlement”. I play for hours each day, and go to work for 14 hours. So no, it’s not entitlement, some of us have lives and don’t like or want to grind away for dozens of hours on end just to enjoy a game, but sadly even though game development companies have the means, there’s hardly any MMO out there that’s better thus far.

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Plenty of people in my guild have lives and are able to get gear.

RNG is rng.