Another reason Blizzard is losing employees

It was tough work making 3rd shift assistant fry cook.

Everyone who has a problem with the wfh situation is pretty much just upset they don’t have that option, lmao.

Pathetic people.


Growing our own food is primordial in these times of extreme corporate greed. My generation however, got wrecked. We cant even afford a roof over our heads. Its beyond time for french style you know what, but everyone is distracted, thanks to technology and to the particular demography in favor of our corporate overlords.

Should have paid attention in school. They always lined us up in the 4th grade and had us pick 20% of the kids randomly to showcase all the losers that would be in the future and you better stomp on the other kids face to get ahead and do well.

Gaming is already a garbage industry, don’t need to be forcing people you employed with the agreement they wouldnt have to go to office to now suddenly have to go in the office for literally no reason.

Call me crazy, but blizzard’s been doing better than it has been. Why screw with it?

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How. Do. You. Know?

Where are you getting this information?

You can also tell who has experience in dealing with people. Spoiler alert, it’s none of the people advocating for WFH.

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Why would they increase their pay, when the employees are spending less money on gas, and upkeep of their vehicles?

Why is it Blizzard fault for the cost of living increases? You should actually think of the results of voting for those politicians that are in power, instead of taking what they say at face value.

If anything, it’s more convenient, since these employees don’t need to pay for baby sitters. Plus, it’s not too hard to roll out of bed, and log into the PC. Also, many business didn’t state that working from home was forever, and usually stated for the foreseeable future.

You really need to provide evidence for this, and even if some do spend this time, this time is valuable decompression time that allows the employee to adapt to the upcoming work experience, and home experience.

This poster has written a few of these posts, and demonstrates that they believe any business is inherently evil. In reality, a business offers a job simply because there’s specific work to be done, and offers a pay rate based upon that work. This may be modified with market pay as well. The potential employee may, or may not accept the offer that the business gives, since the Republicans in the 1860’s passed the 13th amendment, which banned slavery, and forbids the business to force employees to work without compensation.

For 50 years, the Supreme Court said it was a Constitutional right, therefore, it didn’t need to be codified.

I can see that you must be middle management. Explains your irrational hatred of employees and blind worship of corporations.

No, I understand the concept of budgets, and a job isn’t a right.

Our current Supreme Court is currently facing trouble for massive corruption. Such as voting in favor or alt-right views due to rich gop donors bribing them. The Supreme Court then said they’re above the law and shouldn’t have to abide by any ethics.

When did the supreme court state that they were above the law exactly? . The Supreme court exists to check for the constitutionality of various laws, so they can’t make any laws. If the U.S. Constitution doesn’t specifically state the powers of the federal government, then the powers are for the states, according to the tenth amendment. This is why Roe v Wade was overturned, and was predicted by Ruth Bader Ginzberg when she gave a talk in 2017 at a college.

Clearly you don’t as wages have stagnated while companies make record profits and give themselves record high bonuses even after failed projects.

Wages haven’t stagnated at all, according to the index of economic indicators, however, they aren’t keeping up with inflation. This is because of the printing of money for trillion dollar legislation, and when more money is added to what’s all ready in circulation, then each dollar is worth less.

Please show me where in the constitution that it states that ? It doesn’t, and even Ruth Bader Ginzberg stated so in a talk she gave in 2017. You can search for it with the information that I gave here, and it will come up in the search. The tenth amendment applies to this , just saying.

You should work from home, and then move to Florida, and save a lot from no income tax. Or, you could move to New Hampshire, where’s there’s no income tax, or sales tax. If these states can get by without an income tax, then maybe other states need to reexamine their bloated budgets.


A long time ago one of the places I worked at did this.

It didn’t end well. The company is long gone. All they did was piss off all their top caliber talent who left leaving a mess of incompetence all over the company. Even the guys who were put in charge were clueless. Their net bookings collapsed over I’d say a full year.

Insofar as where the problems in retail are just look at the player reviews. STALE is a word that comes to mind. It’s less SL which is good but still very much the retail animal it has been forever. So it’s not a question of work not getting done. At least from where we sit. It’s more about what is being done. The world content sucks. It doesn’t matter if you make 10 world quests or 1,000. Bad content is bad content.

The reason people go over to Classic is because the world is a lot more alive. Because there is just less overall to do instancing there is more reason to be in the world. If that makes any sense.

Moving a lot of instanced content into the world would hit the right value points.

I can’t never move to CA, that state becoming more unstable.

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