Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

Yes, right after you log on the game. Tag me on the forum if you log on this evening or tomorrow sometime. I was hoping to catch you on.

That’s not defensive. That’s just facts. You belittled people’s efforts. :dracthyr_shrug:

Because I did earn it. I put in three months of work. That’s just a fact. Not something that belongs in parenthesis.

Did someone say it isn’t?

Where did I say it did? And are you going to stop being condescending?


Logging on now. I’ll be on Thallia and I’ll let you know if I swap.

Then you’d be ok with MT artifact appearances becoming available again?


My portion of the conversation was to explain to you that you were being condescending and dismissive of others’ goals that they achieved. Not to get into a fighting match with people over what should or shouldn’t be in the game.

Blizzard’s continued stance is no. I encourage people to ask for recolors and remodels because of that continued stance. That’s it, that’s all.

Anything else is shouting at clouds.


That’s the entire point of this thread.

Well there’s an AotC mount that’s been datamined for the trading post. Are you sure that stance is a no?

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their stance on returning aotc mounts was also no. until it wasnt.

blizzard has shown that they are willing to bring unobtainable things back these past few months. it is very clear their stance on this stuff is changing.


Maybe. But we haven’t seen any evidence of that with these challenge modes, so it’s why I find it more logical to ask for recolors and remodels, considering they’ve already done that with the werebear.

People can ask for whatever they want. I just find it to be more productive to ask for what seems logical based on what we know right now.

If others feel it’s worth their time to ask for what we know they aren’t willing to give right now, then that’s fine, too. That’s their decision.

Y’all do what y’all wanna do.


The squeaky wheel gets grease my dude!
Since you bring it up, I shall:

Let DH fly! Permanent wings option and just reskin the Dracthyr’s soar spell.
Or a faux-meta transformation during cast time, lasts duration of flight, breaks when you land.
Meta demon form, nails/claws, more wings, and feet/hooves customizations.
Fel hunter dreadlocks would be kinda sexy too.

Picture this:
Bronze dragon X comes to us with an urgent mission only someone trained in dispatching demons can handle.
Maybe an alternate reality Gul’dan is wilding out and about to threaten our reality if left unchecked…
(Could be any demon, it’s Gul’dan for example)

We go.
We mess him up.
We absorb his skull or whatever powerful fel artifact so no one else can use it for evil.
The day is saved and we get a nice little “power up”

Unlock DH soar and aforementioned customization options.


Gimme back the meta that your class stole from us!!

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I’m all for that buddy.
You guys should get that purple form from mythic nighthold back.
Maybe tied to my scenario!
Kill X demon, loot forgotten tome
Why not?
Just make the appearances distinct enough to tell a lock from a DH at glance

Lock was my first main and quit toon when they Indian-gave meta. DK until Legion. DH and never looked back. Might play lock a little bit again if they returned meta.

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To be fair the way it used to be is strictly easier than it is now.

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Recolors make sense. Honestly why would you WANT the original color if you weren’t originally there? I run marathons. I’m going to run another one in 2024, and I will be happy to receive the 2024 medal. Sure, I might like the design/color of the 2022 medal a little better. I may even run the 2024 race a little faster than someone who ran it in 2022. But I WASN’T THERE in 2022. And if they gave the exact same medal, well wouldn’t that stink for the guy who ran in 2022 and wants to do it again in 2024 to not have something a little different to display/commemorate his new achievement of doing it again?


Your comparison is more comparable to titles and achievements, not armor and weapons. Or do you actually wear these medals around every after the day of the race? Discontinued clothes/shoes might be more apt for the sake of your argument.


Because it looks cool. I don’t care about “prestige” or that kind of nonsense (when it comes to a video game) I care about what looks good/cool to me. I think other people should have that opportunity to have that cool look as well. It’s a video game, other people having the same thing I do doesn’t affect me at all. Some people like to act like it does, but it doesn’t.


Just because YOU don’t care about it doesn’t mean that others don’t. Have some consideration.


Attaching worth and value to pixels you don’t own is silly. Someone else having an appearance doesn’t make yours any less special. That’s a fact.


It doesn’t diminish your achievement or take away the 8 years of you having it either.


36/36 here I want it back because its inconvenient to get the secondary colors which I can still get but can only unlock on the characters with the mage tower clear some of which have been supplanted by allied race characters of the same class. For example my lightforged dk cannot get the m+ or rbg colorations despite being able to use the mage tower color itself. It is annoying. Especially since said dk has done the requirements for the m+ one many times over in bfa since it was the character I got to 100% crit with corruption because Icecap corrupted frost was the last time frost dk was fun enough to main.

Second off it is also annoying to have to respond to “how do you get that” by saying you can’t. I use the mage tower appearances because they look good and heck they have a prestige I’ll flaunt it, but it feels bad to tell new players they will never get them because hey mage tower is back its harder then ever but lol no take a time machine back to legion you casual. I did most of these in antorus lfr gear after reading a wowhead rotation guide, but you get to enjoy doing harder scaled content for a armor set that I also have.

Lastly its just better for the game. Blizzard making content that isn’t used after its timeframe is inefficient. There are greedy gacha games that charge 1000 dollars for anime girl jpgs that are more reasonable about time limited items then world of warcraft. Even these games that are more casino or scam then game have the sense to do rerun events because it brings players back and gives people a chance to earn things again, because being able to earn things is the goal here. I don’t know who is asking for “gimme the entire mog catalogue in my mailbox” because I’m asking for blizzard to let people earn the stuff I earned so I can say “eh about that mage tower eh, hate those knockbacks right.” Its really that simple.


Nope, not better for the game…

Players deserve their trophies to stand out among others in an evergreen game.

Like imagine if wow is still running in 2040.

Fomo essentially would give players legacy trophies that stamp their play time at a certain era of the game…

Like looking at a glad nether drake in 2030 should inspire feelings of awe to the newer players.

“Like woa that guy was a gladiator before I was even born.”

The key is to keep making prestigious fomo rewards as the years go by.

This is the way…

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