Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

Uh, yeah it does…

You think the celestial steed wouldn’t be more prestigious if it was a fomo mount over a store mount

/Eye roll

Participation trophy entitled attitude in full view ladies and gentlemen.

Oh yeah people just love to gush over my olympic tabard and my mountain dew bot(blue btw). When I bring out the worm mount from keystone master and my admiring fans ask where it came from I like to gaslight them and say its from the horrific vision mailbox, but truth is I can’t tell because all the worm mounts are ugly as sin and no one uses them and I honestly can’t tell the difference between them because that recolored abomination was thrown in everything that patch everywhere.

Also lmao prestige is code for subjective value, ie we should do this because my emotions. Lol no, you know what I view as prestigious? The title I respect the most in this game is “The Insane” because I will never get that title, and it is still in the game I’ll never get it though that tedium is just something I won’t do. If I saw an evoker with s2 dragonflight keystone hero I’d think they were a good player who played s2 and would leave it at that. If I saw an evoker with the insane title I’d know I’m seeing a legend.


People put worth in whatever they want. And given that it’s our account that has those amazing pixels, yes we do own them.

Who are you to say what someone values isnt valuable.

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Mhmm, what exactly is your point? That everyone has their own opinions on what they value?

Okay, and? How does that justify getting rid of fomo when many many players value their’s and other’s prestigious fomo.

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Nope warlocks never had meta in the lore. This was a mistake because blizzard didn’t know DH would be an actual class.

Locks should never have meta in any shape.

Normy take is normulous

On where it makes sense…

Aotc mounts are silly end of expansion bonuses for killing the final boss.

Not the same as content designed to be time sensitive tests of skill.

Aotc mounts perfect for the TP or some form of TW

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Fomo being a permanent shut out of content is bad for the game, defending it is akin to other bad takes like covenants not being swappable because it was a meaningful choice. Fomo should be periodically brought back with a chance to earn said content ie old pvp sets earned through current pvp after earning current pvp. Challenge mode sets from pandaria being available for hitting 3k or 3.2k m+ rating for seasons with pandaria/wod dungeons or just doing said dungeons at 25 or so. Old campaigns like prepatch and stuff that literally sent you things in the mailbox for logging in at a certain date belong in the trading post.

It is objectively better for the game for blizzard to be more efficient with its resources. Fomo is inefficient finagling of human psychology and it leans heavily on keeping players who were there at the time at the cost of newer players experience. Its removal or weakening is also is a net benefit to all parties since basically no player has EVERYTHING so removing fomo adds content for basically everyone. Its also not needed to the extent it is when blizzard has literal decades of content to mine through if they felt like it.

Subjectively I’d like to have more things to farm and hunt for in dead time. I’d like to be able to egg more people into suffering in the mage tower because the mog sets don’t cut it and people do the easy one for their class anyway. But a purely subjective argument isn’t going to really say anything other then I like this keep it, and anyone can make that argument and it really doesn’t do anything productive. I don’t think wow’s take on Fomo is a good one and in fact just like many things in warcraft over the years its a thing that has been defended stubbornly with very little substance beyond feeling.



It is not an “ObjEcTIvEly” bad thing for the game.

The game is riddled with THOUSANDS of. None fomo rewards.

You think players are going to manage to to obtain each and everything?

You have plenty of rewards to obtain.

Fixating on unobtainable rewards and demanding their return because you think their awesome and your own personal needs out weight the rewards and prestige of other is disgusting and toxic.

Honestly you sound like a socialist.

Just advocate for more awesome fomo rewards now.

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Well I guess we’re done here. You have nothing of value to say then. Stay offended I will no longer effort post for you unless you feel like throwing a real argument at the one I presented instead of emotionally charged language and name calling.


I ain’t offended.

I’m right as rain with my amazing fomo’s.

I’m just saying it like it is.

I Don’t appreciate socialistic ideas from taking away the prestige of other because you can’t stand that someone has something cool that you won’t ever have.

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I was rummaging through dagger transmogs the other day when I realized I have the assassination MT skin.

Must’ve done it on my old orc rogue, but I have no recollection of doing so. I do remember banging my head off the combat rogue fight (imp mother) for those rapiers. But the assassination fight? Don’t even remember it, so it must’ve been easy.

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Self worth attached to pixels they don’t even own in full view ladies and gentlemen.


No you don’t. Blizzard owns them. You have zero rights to them.


Either the TOS or EULA, or both, state clearly that you have no rights to anything in game whatsoever.

Only server access.


Does anyone else have access to my account???

Nope, no one. It even blizzard. At most they can keep me from playing. But they can’t play my toons.

Try again

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Try what again?

Your exclusivity comment is 100% irrelevant.

Go read the documents you agreed to. You OWN nothing here.

I’m sorry, friend, but that’s a fact.


Wrong, they’re my pixels. No one else can use them.

And yeah, I value my time spent of achieving things other can’t.

I don’t appreciate socialistic ideas from ruining that, both in real life and in any game.

Okay, I ask you again. Can anyone but me access my account?

Playing lawyer ain’t gonna win you any cookies.

“Your use of the Platform is licensed, not sold, to you, and you hereby acknowledge that no title or ownership with respect to the Platform or the Games is being transferred or assigned and this Agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights.”

You do not own anything.

I think you don’t understand what “own” means.


Lol you’re not answer my question…