Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

I want your house. You’ve lived in it long enough. Why do you wrap your sense of self worth up in a structure?



I can spam quotes too…

Explain how those quotes make me a troll

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Instead of having an actual conversation you throw out insults like an edgy teenager.

I think both of you would probably be best served by just putting each other on ignore and calling it a day.


Tell me about it. Piss me off enough and I’ll start demanding the complete removal of Transmog and all gear appearances from previous expansions just to spite everyone. And I hate being that person.
Personally I would love if the FOMO stuff returned. I have to accept it never will. It sucks but that’s life. a series of misery, mistakes and regret. Nothing more.

Keeping it real. Usually involves insults to those who just don’t get it.

Then their only.cope is to call them trolls.

I never put anyone on ignore, I take my protein.

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Just like I thought. Troll through and through.

As I said, cope.

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I hope you don’t bring that attitude into the real world when you grow up and get a job. Not many people will accept you “keeping it real by insulting those that don’t get it”

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Didn’t know GD was my place of employment. Any benefits?

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What do you want me to do? What does this have to do with what I accomplished and what you’re belittling?


Frankly I’d like all the mage tower appearances actually. While I do have some I didn’t play all 36 specs in the game either. It’s important to find a good middle ground that works. Recolors are the perfect compromise. Blizzard already started down that road with the druid bear.

I actually agree with this. The main issue here is that I think solo challenge content needs to return. AOTC is hella buyable, so is KSM. I guess you could go for Cutting Edge but that’s not feasible for most the playerbase and only offers a mount for one player each kill. Don’t know why they suddenly stop good concepts.

Yep, that’s my theory too. There’s lots of recolors and remodels they can do with them. So I vote let’s do it.


My point is you’re defensive over pixels you don’t even own and will disappear one day.

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Can you show me where I was defensive?


I just came here to argue a point I think would help a game I’ve loved for the better part of 2 decades. And in truth to cry because I want those sick MT skins lol.

While I think I’ve convinced no one…
some agreed, some disagreed, some made good points, many trolled, others caught in a malstrom of circular conversations.
This thread has gotten 100+ comments today and that’s something.
So allies and enemies alike: well done!

Maybe it’ll get Blizzard’s attention and they’ll hold an official poll or something.
There’s clearly interest and strong feeling on both sides. Would be neat to see what people think on a more grand scale.

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You want to claim this is such an “earned” accomplishment and fair play, you may have struggled, but this is a game. How does it negatively affect you if something you “earned” becomes available again?

Blizz should bring every FOMO item back. TBH. Let the elitist fuss about it.