Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

I think it’s reductive to say that people “attach their self worth to pixels” by saying that they value the design intent of limited-availability cosmetic rewards.

Fight tooth and nail lol. Ok. I don’t think FOMO crap should be a part of wow or any game for that matter. All it does is create people like you who want to keep things restricted because it annoys other people.

Did you not understand what I typed earlier?

I got mine


Well, I don’t think there should be any limited availability rewards. Personally, and not all will agree with me of course, I think it’s a scummy practice of trying to get people to sub/remain subbed with FOMO. I think the fun of the game itself should be sufficient to keep people subbed.


The spectral tiger is only “prestigious” because someone put a US$ 10.000,00 price tag on it.

The same way, gladiator mounts can be bough and sold on ebay, if you really want one of those.

But that doesn’t mean it was easy for everyone. Even with the buffs to the artifacts and Argus world gear, I struggled up until the very last minute for three months to get the Druid Resto appearance.

Sorry I’m not as good as others. I had a lot of friends who weren’t either. Most of them weren’t as lucky as I was to finally get it.

It’s not my “self worth.” It’s “I worked my butt off to accomplish a goal in the time period of the content set forth.”

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People already know my opinion on Mage Tower Artifact Appearances and FOMO in general.

What will you do when the wow servers shut down? I’m not saying that will happen any time soon but your reward will be taken away from you.

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10x more valuable than a 1 post alt on the notorious cesspool of GD.

Comments like this tell me you’re just a troll.


So overgeared and trivial? Sounds fun :smiley:

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Not a troll, just keeping it real.

Sucks that hurts you

I do disagree :dracthyr_shrug:

I outlined more above, but I think that limited time rewards are necessary to motivate people to do content when it’s current and its challenges are scaled to the game as it’s intended to be played.

The spectral tiger was only ever a promotional reward anyways.

Sure, but that’s not the design intent.

I’m glad you’ve managed to convince yourself at least. Not surprising, considering you think roughly 14.9k people is a “large percentage of the community.” I get it. You want the fomo stuff back. But you’re not really convincing anybody with that weak attempt.

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That’s okay you don’t need to believe me…

That’s usually how people react to people they’re offended by after they have nothing else to add.

I just take it as an act of defeat. Thanks for playing, don’t forget to tell your new recruits they won’t ever have cm and mt skins.

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Many if I really was a troll, you just enjoy feeding them don’t ya.

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If… :rofl: :rofl:

How am I a troll?

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