Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

That and good content.

Fomo has been around since vanilla, relax

If thatā€™s good enough for you, great, but thatā€™s not what the poll says.

People can have new things

Legacy is legacy.

End of story

When wow is free to play and dead then fine

Iā€™m sure a Twitter poll is a great indicator of the general playerbase :roll_eyes:

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Nah man, achieve things before they go away or donā€™t and donā€™t have them. They always give ample warning.

The Brutosaurā€™s retirement was announced a year before it went away and yet a million thread pop up about how unfair it is that itā€™s not on the vendor.

This is the wayā€¦


Everyone could get a couple of legendaries and catch up gear is always close to at least normal raid gear anyway. MT was designed to be a challenge for those in early ToS gear. By the next patch everyone out geared it. It was easy mode. But hey, gotta keep up the argument, canā€™t move all your goalposts at once.

Definitely were.


But thats the point. Iā€™ve achieved them.

I dont think that Iā€™ll lose some false prestige if someone else gets it. Itā€™s not a prestige to have old things, it just mean weā€™re old .


I would be happy with a unlock skin purely for doing the tower as it is. Sure not having the other colors stinks butā€¦ itā€™s something?

Theres only 2 kinds of people that will never agree with the OG Mage Tower rewards return:
1 - those tho think thereā€™s any ā€˜prestigeā€™ in having it, even if they did it with antorus gear.

2- those who sells characters with those weapon skins unlocked.

If youā€™re not one number 1, thenā€¦


How were they goal post changes?

Mt and cm were tests of mastery with current design.

Aotc is a participation trophyā€¦

Keep trying

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You got my vote.

Got all of them when they came out cause FOMO is evil.



Iā€™ve told you but you refuse to accept the facts.

Fact: Players OUT GEARED THE MT in 7.3

This trivialized the MT. Youā€™re delusional if you think otherwise. You moved the goalpost just because you want to gatekeep for whatever reason.


Not everyone had that gear at the moment in timeā€¦

You over estimate the majority of playersā€¦

Goal posts remain securely where the maintenance guy placed themā€¦

Delusion rampant with fomo whiners. More at 11.

Everyone that wanted to do the MT had access to much better gear and targetable legendaries. That made it, what do you call it:


Youā€™re either a troll or someone who places their self worth on the pixels they donā€™t even own. Either way, itā€™s a sad case.

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I think thereā€™s value to the effort people put into earning them when they were current, regardless of how difficult you think it was or wasnā€™t. A lot of people pushed themselves hard to finish those because they were going away forever.

Oof, the irony is delicious lmao

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A majority out of 25k who no doubt are like-minded in that cesspool that is X/Twitter. I wouldnā€™t call that much of anything tbh


Explain the irony. I got mine. I hope the appearances get brought back because I donā€™t place my self worth on pixels in a game.

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The fact that people like you fight tooth and nail for them.

Yet act like theyā€™re just ā€œpixelsā€.

Like if theyā€™re not that important then what does it matter if you canā€™t get them??