Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

They WERE specific.
They weren’t broad, sweeping and general about them as a whole.
Why do you think that is?

I’m going to necro this post to drink your tears when they do. You’ve earned it.

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About this because of recent data mining…

But it’s obvious this applies in general that they won’t ever come back.


Go ahead and bookmark this thread I ain’t going anywhere even if I’m wrong, which I won’t be unless the game goes free to play

Then they’re not limited. :crazy_face:

It does. :crazy_face:

There is. :crazy_face:


Then they would not be anymore, correct! :smiley:



7 years ago, you did the Mage tower and got the artifact appearances.

7 years later, Blizzard brings back the Mage tower, updated for the current expansion, and you can get the appearances you did not back in the day with roughly the same effort.

What exactly is the downside am I missing here?

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I only remember druid, monk and hunter well but they were great (esp for Hunter, the return of Rok’ and Lok’delar (as a glaive rather than a staff) was nice), I wish I’d realized they weren’t a permanent feature.

It is of course a spectrum. Some people try their best and can’t clear heroic raid while it’s current. For others, AOTC is a week 1 speed bump on their way to Cutting Edge.

It’s all a matter of perspective. It’s why there are LFR > Normal > Heroic > Mythic difficulties.

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Of course, but aotc is not meant to be a challenge the same way CMs were.

Regardless it doesn’t matter since blizz confirmes that aotc mounts won’t return

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I have neither the time or the crayons to explain this to you.




I have multiple mage tower appearances.

I couldn’t care less if they re-add them.

You don’t speak for everyone.

And “Prestige” is something that people need to get comfortable with not having. You aren’t special.

My favorite part of these threads is when someone comes in claiming the weapons were “easy to obtain, you just had to be there, so they should be kept special for the people who were there at the time” - if they were easy to obtain, then you agree they aren’t prestigious. So they should be readded. Thank you for contributing to the right side.


I have every single mage tower appearance for every single class and spec.

Put it on a vendor for 1c a pop for all I care.


This is a weird take. Children used to watch willy wonka and learn from the characters mistakes.

Now we are out here pretending that Verunca was the hero…

That’s a very socialist thing to say

People who want the mage tower weapons to remain exclusive are veruca, not the other way around.

You are throwing a tantrum because you might not get what you want. You feel entitled to it, like how veruca felt entitled to a golden goose.

Whereas prior who want them back are kindly asking.

Have you really not noticed it’s the people who don’t want them back that crowd the thread with a tantrum?

I dont understand why people care so much about this either way.

Those with the items, youre not special or unique in any way. The value you assign to these items is in your head. No one looks at you and thinks youre cool. No one cares that you have them apart from you.
Stop thinking that having a removed item is a sign of… anything. Because its just so not.

Those without, there are lots of mounts and transmog items in the game.
Are there any in particular that are removed that would enhance your character?
Or do you just want it because you cant have it?
Because if youre not after a particular item… chill.
No reason to be annoyed at not having something you wont even use.

well the thing is that the people who want the removed items (and don’t have them) are the ones who are creating these threads constantly.

it’s perfectly fine for some things to remain unobtainable…

i’ll never have the scarab lord title but you don’t see me creating threads about it every other day asking blizzard to give it to me.

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Making their desire known isn’t throwing a tantrum. Coming into the threads and saying no no no it’s limited for a reason, I’ll unsub if they do that, etc is throwing a tantrum.

ok so you think its fine for a person to make thread to have their desire to receive unobtainable items

but someone posting their opinion that limited items should remain limited is not fine?

thats not how the world works. if someone shares their opinion that they should be given every unobtainable item for free, then i am also allowed to share my opinion that these items were always advertised as being limited time, thus they should remain limited time and never return.

also something that i think alot of people forget is that the mage tower variant of the artifact weapons is not always the best looking one:

  1. Ele shaman - best weapon is the balance of power fist weapons
  2. Unholy DK - best weapon is the balance of power sword
  3. Havoc Demon Hunter- Black Temple Warglaives of Azzinoth look way better than the Mage Tower fire glaives.
  4. frost dk - hidden artifact appearance better than the mage tower

and there are others as well but im not going to list them all.

i mean, if people truly just wanted the “best looking” or “coolest” artifact appearances, they wouldn’t even need to get the mage tower weapons for that for many of the classes/specs

No. People who have completed the content are not making these threads. They are not the ones singing “i want it now.”

This is how I know you are childish. Everyone that agrees with you is nice. Everyone that disagrees is not. Comedy.


You arent the parent and the people asking arent your kids…
These are paying customers and as such have every right to ask for services they find valuable for the money they spend.