Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances

Gif reply translation…

I have nothing to reply cuz my argument is moot

Try again tomorrow after you recharge, don’t wanna hurt yourself

Until they are :slight_smile:

And when has lore been set in stone?
Did the light used to hurt the undead?
Would Draenei ever use Fel magic?
Things become flexible when them bending is for the benefit of the game.

Frankly I think your overall attitude about why they should keep it as is is doing more for the argument of changing it than anything someone pro change could make.
They’ll read the awful rantings of this greedy toad and feel like changing it to spite you specifically. lol
Get a grip dude.
This isn’t some great feat you achieved like hitting gladiator. Skill required was minimal end of expansion. You just played then. That’s it. If being able to play and get rewarded now gets more butts in computer chairs playing WoW: why do you think they wouldn’t do it?
To keep that little tiny chip on your shoulder?


Oh yeah brining back cms gear and mt is gonna blast subs to the moon…

Cope harder.

What we needs is more fomo for the newer generation, not crying with boogers about why you can’t have the amazing paladin cm gear

And because it makes no damn sense for a lock to meta… They’re not demon hunters. They command demons not turn into them

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Mists of Pandaria and Worlds of Draenor Challenge Modes say “hi”.

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I do so regret not doing the MOP stuff. I want that set for my hunter every time I see someone using it.

Then the prestige is working as intended

I’m not advocating for any old sets to return. I am more in favor of Blizzard creating new sets that are just as good for a new promotion.

You ignore the fact it would bring players to old continents and have them do activities they don’t even need to design. They already exist. Or do you think things should just stay gone once you’re done with them personally. Enough time has passed and enough player interest in their return exist that they are almost certain to return eventually. It’s just a matter of time. When they do I’ll be here to console and tell the petulant child that you are that “it’s okay honey, the other kids can play with your toys too. It’s not going to kill you or your ego to share. Yes, you got to play with them first and you’ll always have that”
/forehead kiss

Ik I was just saying lol.

Those feelings is usually what fomo does and why people strive to get them.

To stand apart from the crowd.

See most people like competition.

Except the participation trophy crowd. Those are the ones who dislike fomo.

Yeah, it reminds me of when I first started playing the game and would see people using MC gear. Boy, I would think about how cool they looked and how I wanted that gear.

Haha omg…

Dude… There’s TONs of content that has players go back to the old world.

Again, your coping hard think brining back cm gear is some magical fix to subs.

But your kind will jump through a million mental fire hoops to try to make sense of why stripping the prestige of other is a good idea.

/Laughs in your face


If anything fomo should make people wanna get their own fomo…

But alas, we have sad and pathetic threads like these.

You missed the part where he moved to goalposts from “I own my stuff in game” to “who owns the stuff in game is irrelevant, what I’m really trying to say is…”

It’s kinda funny. Sad, yet funny.


I would love an opportunity to earn the Ghost of the Pridemother Druid forms. I didn’t start playing WoW until the end of BfA and it’s a real shame. Had I been around at the time they’re definitely something I would have worked on.


Definitely both. All troll. Not sure why I waste time replying to him tbh.


Like I told you.

What matters is the time and effort we put into the game…

Not your silly legal BS, which is the point I’ve been making all this time…

Now please cry to my previous post.

i levelled up, i enchanted my gear, i bought flasks, buff food, heal pots, i waited till tower opened and dashed inside. 1 minute later, dead. tried again, dead. watched a vid, dead. read strategy ---- so you have to go get legion legendarie…wtf. i’m 30 levels over the content

So they won’t appear, specifically, on the trader post?
What is your point and what do you think that has to do with anything?
The content will return, but they aren’t going to give it away for free….Which no one was even asking for in the first place.

Odd they didn’t simply respond “those things will never return” :smirk:

But if you would like to count that as a “win” you can put that trophy it next to your “prestigious” participation trophy you earned back in Legion

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It’s scaled.
Twice as hard with half the rewards….
For now :wink:


Yeah we u say.

Just keep coping.

People drunk on hope need blizz to be super specific to finally get it through your head.

If this isn’t a fat NO returning fomo then idk what to tell you.

Like I said, check mate cope boy, ya little copie.