Another plea to bring back Mage Tower artifact appearances


By Blizzard’s sanction. Do you know why?

I’ll let you guess.

It’s ok to be wrong, dude. Being wrong on the internet isn’t the end of everything.

You own nothing here. Fact.

Answer the damn question.

Can anyone other than my person play on my account yes or no?

I already did. Read.

You’re just being obtuse because the facts are against what you’re trying to maintain here. Who can access your account is irrelevant, but I’ll humor you:

Yes. Blizzard employees. Guess why.

Eer wrong.

Not anyone can play in my account. Not even blizzard outside of any technical support.

So no I may not own my characters in a legal sense.

But what I do own is my time, my efforts, and my experiences.

No one can get on and do any of that for me and that is exactly what rewards and achievements are meant to represent.

Try again, i eat fomo haters for all meals of the day.

Good effort but futile.







But yeah, when the facts are inconvenient, move the goalposts like this:

Despite that that’s not what you claimed, that’s a convenient new argument to make, isn’t it?


I move the goal post because my point is what actually matters… And that’s the point of prestige and value which stems from time and effort. Not who owns what.

Like you thought some legal BS is justification to get rid of fomo.

LMAO to that.

Though I’ll give you points for originality

You’re objectively wrong. Blizzard owns them.


I just had an entire conversation about this read back and sit down on this completely toasted and irrelevant take

Or read two posts before your response

I don’t care to debate actual facts with people too dense to understand them.


Well since you won’t read…

It doesn’t matter who owns pixels…

I own my time, skill, and effort.

Achievements represent that…

Nice try on using pixel owner ship as a.stupid reason against fomo.

Stupid but original.

Honestly I shouldn’t blame anti fomo’s too much because of the black battle tank was made available in the TP I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it…

That’s why it’s up to the owners of said fomo to raise up and protect your prestige from these socialistic ideas.

All in a day’s work

If they are just pixels with no value then why do so many people have/want them? That’s a nonsensical argument.

Blizzard. Blizzard could bring this back and you couldn’t do a thing about it. Why? Because you don’t own these items.


They could, but they won’t.

So don’t hold your breath :).

You may use silly aotc as hope all you want, but again dont hold yourbreath.

Because, me me me me me.

That’s usually how socialistic ideas work.

That’s been said many so times lol.

And yet they’re still unavailable.

Honk honk.

Can you see into the future?

Not but I have common sense. Might wanna get some.

Also I have very good foresight