Another one bites the dust

The game not being fun is good feedback, but thanks for your goofy response.

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As if the thousands of other “I quit because” with click bait style titles haven’t said as much. Unsub and move on and leave it be like the majority of us do when we quit. You voice here isn’t going to be heard and you know it. These posts are just grandstanding and everyone knows it.

How would you know what anyone does other than yourself?

At this stage, there’s nothing left for the apologists to defend. This guy is one among millions.

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That’s a weak argument. This a WoW forum not a Psychology Peer Review board. It’s not like people’s thoughts and motivations are unclear on the matter.

Using this song for stuff like this is pretty cringe

Thanks for throwing out all your own arguments with this statement.


What Disney did to you was wrong!

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Your anger towards the game and playerbase is unhealthy.


Thanks for your psychological review. Also, I don’t have any anger.

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You’re quite welcome, lad. I hope you get the help you need someday.

I have room in my schedule to see you as a patient.

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Okay am I the only one that noticed that Gina Carano plays WOW?!

Kul’Tiran is a nice touch too.

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If you don’t like reading these threads, you have the option of not opening them and reading them, rather than criticizing players for offending your delicate sensibilities?

I care. I read these threads. Many players do and sympathize with those who write them. Stop trying to act like a Blizzard appointed censor. It looks bad for Blizzard when you do this.

Translation: “Everyone who disagrees with me in any way has anger management problems and mental problems.”

I think not.


The strange part is that you pointed out that it was a click bait title and then knowingly opened it and left a comment. So it seemed to have worked.

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Why should we listen to what you have to say?

You are not even USDA choice.

Just kidding you misunderstood what I was saying. I was saying why should the op listen to Blizzard. Why should he care he quit. I edited my post to make it more clear

Yes. and as you can tell they added them back.

my statement still stands.

Actually it’s sitting. Because they screwed up the vendor. Or did you not notice?

Yeah I remember. I also remember that after a majority asked for it back they added them back.

My statement wasn’t that blizzard doesn’t make mistakes it was that when people ask for things in a majority they get it.

So yeah…standing strong.