Another Failure

People are at work or school on a weekday?

Not the point. But your right. I’ll show myself out of this thread then.

You shine sunlight on it.

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It’s always interesting when you check the profile of these people saying there’s ‘zero content’ in the game and they have barely completed any of the current content.

You haven’t even gotten the tazavesh hard mode mount (the guaranteed drop one), or most of the korthia mounts. Why are you wanting them to put this mount in the game behind content? No offense but if they did you wouldn’t get it either since you’re not doing any of the content.

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There are many different ways to get mounts in the game. I count “buying them in the shop” as legitimately one of them.

As a semi-serious mount collector, I can pick or choose which mounts I want based on rarity and how intrigued I am by the process required to get them. Either I’m too cheap or not intrigued by buying a mount in the shop, so the only “purchased” mounts I have are from that time period where I was subscribed with a six month package.

I think it’s great we have different ways to get mounts. We often see threads complaining that “All mounts should be available by my favorite method of acquisition” and even at the same time, “They should be guaranteed drops in my favorite content” or (shudder) “All mounts should only be available in the most elite content and should be restricted from the sort of filthy scum casuals who are mount collectors now”.

The game would be poorer if there were not many ways to get different mounts.

Yet here you are still paying a monthly sub. :thinking:

They also make more money that way because people who buy the tokens are paying more than the folks who pay a subscription.

OP, you have so many old mounts that are still available to hunt for. Try doing Voidtalon of the Darkstar and Grey Riding Camel. That’ll take up some of your time.

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During a “troubled” expansion with awful systems, close to 0 testing or class tuning and a long content drought, the overall perception of the playerbase is that the devs either don’t care about the game or don’t know what they’re doing. The recent censorship and political nonsense pouring into the game wasn’t paticularly well recieved either.

The timing of another cash grab mount couldn’t be worse but, (I’ll play devil’s advocate here), it seems to me that the token price stabilized after the catgirls bought this in droves.

It’s gotten so bad it probably was needed to stop the token from reaching 250k. You know things are going south when the answer for cancer is to inject ebola unless I’m wrong and the token dropping from 230 to below 200k in 1 day is just a coincidence.

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OP, Wait… you want them to add actual content? :open_mouth: But Covid and lawsuit and working from home… blah blah blah…

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There’s a variety of reasons they aren’t turning out content that just add up to “Probably not capable of creating an involved questline at this time.”

I’m fine with there being store mounts, even if I don’t want to buy them myself. Anybody who is a serious mount collector will do whatever they have to do to reach their goals. And any casual with a little bit of cash, sure. Those store mounts are for them, too.

And since I need to complain about the Kua’fon mount questline I’m on right now, they need to fix that. The mob you need to kill doesn’t spawn in normal phase, only in warmode, but it says nothing about this in the quest you are given. Is it a bug? It shouldn’t be that way.

Well to answer you question , if they came out with good content in the first place they wouldn’t of lost 50% of players


That is a big drop for sure.

Did you put in a bug report? This is a bug.

Its also interesting to think people actually look at those profiles and expect them to mean anything relevant in this age of carries.

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People who don’t understand how tokens aren’t quite the same as this really are the problem, lol.


Even if you “earn” something from the cash shop through in-game gold buying a token(s) its just someone else buying the mount for you. Additional money is still being spent on top of sub fees and expac cost

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Its more fun than $15 a month waiting 30 minutes for pvp pops in bg for sure.

Even if they did you’d still have the same amount of players crying about them not being able to get the mount because they put the mount behind “elitist” content like normal raiding or regular mythic dungeons.

People are going to complain no matter what happens.