Another Failure

Gaming 101* now sadly.

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Who says it will be 20 per month if they ditch the store the inflation will raise it to 50 per month to keep wow afloat. If they continue the sub losses it will go as high as 80 dollar a month just to keep wow from sinking.

This game is dying legitly. No joke.

No content = Death.
Content= Life.

Want WoW to live make content.

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The latest patch came out just 4 months ago. If you’re already bored, try actually doing the content.

Explain why a majority of the realms server or shards is literally empty? I’m in Stormwind now on my alliance there is 22 people total in Stormwind. And 11 people in Oribos. On WRA server.

I’m really not sure if I would call this mount “awesome”. It is well designed but looks nothing like you would usually find in the game.

It’s a vendor mount. Gold and real money are the same thing.

The cat mount isn’t bringing WRA or any server back to life. Stormwind/ Orgrimmar and Oribos is still a Ghost town.

Maybe try doing that exercice on peak hours. Doing it when people are at work or school isn’t honest. Also the /who has been broken for a long while.

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Right okay. Well keep telling yourself that. Even in peak hours it feels Ghost townish still.

Compared to BFA where you had hundreds of people in every zone at all hours.

So… WoW will live forever, then!

After all… how do you kill that which has no life?

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  1. It’s lunchtime on Friday.
  2. There’s nothing to do in Stormwind or Oribos. How many people are in dungeons? Or the raid? Or Korthia? Or the Maw?

Maybe all the people who do nothing but stand around in town and complain have finally quit for good. Excellent. We should have a parade.

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I need to figure out a way to start taking 2-hour lunches on weekdays (that didn’t involve coming in earlier or leaving later, that is). I’ve love to be able to bring my laptop, log in, and knock out some of my daily WoW routine during lunch but as it is, I just don’t have enough time.

It’s 12:07 as I type this. Time for noms.

You must be on Pacific time. 2:07 here. Which means it’s two hours closer to the weekend :slight_smile:

At what stage of BFA? You mean in the first summer when the pandemy hit us and we had nothing else to do? In an expansion that you had to be on every single day to keep up because of artifact power? Great argument.

Good point. I forgot:

  1. Due to constant complaints that everything be made faster and easier to do… that’s exactly what Blizzard did.

I’m enjoying the game, but I rarely log in for more than my 3 raid nights a week. I finished Korthia back in July. The game hasn’t been this light on ‘chores’ since WoD, for which I’m very grateful. I prefer a game that I can play when I want to, not when I have to.

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I wish you people would stop trying to push this narrative that the art team and the content design team are the same thing.

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No not during pandemy. I mean the very beginning of BFA. Or lets go back to MoP even. There was players everywhere. Covid had nothing to do with it.

Mostly complaining that they had to grind Golden Lotus rep.

So all of the 600ish mounts in game aren’t there for you to get? Just those 21 to buy? We’re going to ignore all of the unique models you can earn, eh?