Another Failure

Another mount added to the game, another mount added for real money. Why can’t they just make these awesome mounts require achievements to get so we have some actual content to do? They are clearly in need of money so they just threw this out there, but they don’t realize if they added content to get the mounts then they would also get players back because then there would be content. This is literally MMO 101, and yet they can’t understand that with no content we have no reason to play.


Said this in another tread. You don’t have to even pay real money. You can earn it in game with 400k gold. Which is cheaper than some vendors mounts. Only difference is you buy it from an online store and not an in game vendor.


Not the point, you still don’t have to do content for that gold as you probably already have 400k from all the callings you’ve had the chance to do since there is 0 content and most guilds are quitting because they’re done with raiding.


You whine about it being added for real money and when someone points out you can easily earn it without spending money you go “not the point”.



The no content argument is separate from the store mount argument. But I could also argue while current content may be stale, there is all kind of old content you could do for mounts/mog/achievements etc. I mean if that isn’t your jam cool, but there is lots of content. The content drought has to do with all kinds of things. Inner turmoil, and everyone still mostly working from home. A lot of games saw delays because of Covid. Look how many delay New World had. That is not and excuse because I want content too, but it just a fact.

Isnt doing callings doing content?


obviously the character you’re posting on is an alt, right?

MMO 101 is trying to milk your players for as much as you can get. Just about every type of these games have a cash shop. A lot of the games have a way bigger cash shop than WoW.


Apparently not. I don’t get a lot of the arguments. There is content. Now you could argue whether or not it’s fun and engaging. That would be a valid point. Also how long the patches are as well. But as I said, there is like 15 years of previous content available to do for fun as well that most people haven’t touched.

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Like the new fav FF14 that everyone uses against WoW.


What mount?

I think I found it.


You’re clearly missing my post too then. Content isn’t doing your dailies, content is actually going out and trying to do something new to get the cool reward. Don’t use “Lawls” if you don’t understand what you are talking about.

Then what is the problem with adding it to something like “Cat Lover- Pet every cat in Azeroth”, pretty simple.

Not really, dailies aren’t content, they are filler.

You haven’t done any rated arena, so if you’ve ever said anything about being “bored” or there being “no more content” you are in the same spot I am. I have raided a couple bosses on mythic on my warrior.

Only thing they do different is actually update there game, stay in touch with consumers, and don’t FORCE you to pay $15 a month.


Also the mount is the Art team mostly not the Dev team, so it doesn’t really take much away from what the Dev team is doing either. People need to separate the two.


i’ve never said anything like that. when i get bored of activities i do enjoy, i just unsubscribe rather than complaining that there’s “nothing to do”


No one forces you to sub. You do that willingly.


Actually you don’t, the $15 is for access to the servers. You pay for the expansion $50 or whatever for content and future patches in that expansion.

Well good for you, not everyone does that. Not everyone enjoys another game enough to cancel wow sub to go play it.

You are forced to pay before you play, other games don’t force you to pay it before you play.

Old and out dated model that none of the new mmos make you have before you can play


FF14 has a month sub cost. So ya.

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I love when random forum posters think they know more than Blizzard about how to make money. Just out of curiosity, how many years have you been managing the accounting of one of the world’s most popular games?


Because these mounts cost money to create and that cost has to be recouped somehow.

Small things like these mounts are developed independently by various employees who have to do ‘something’ to justify their continued pay. They can’t just sit on their hands between major tasks. So they create these small additions to the game while they’re between those major tasks.