Another Failure

this statement is false.

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Well its not "just for real money bro " ,You can use gold to buy it around 320k or ballpark in that area . Its just an option if you dont wanna farm gold ,which is not that hard unless you are super new and dont wanna put the effort in . Sorry it may sound like a taunt or mocking its not ,its blunt truth .

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Why do people always ignore this when making an argument for store mounts? There is always a real money payment source for every cash shop transaction, no matter how the item is obtained.

Imagine farming content to spend 400k on a shop mount…sad.


Why is it sad if someone has a different point of view ? If that is sad then so is buying every single mount ingame with gold like longboi or argus rep or nazjatar frog or mechagon etc .
Just because you find something not interesting or worth your time doesnt make it a fact its opinion bro and people differ in opinions .

It is just for real money though. The truth is its just someone else paying the additional money via token from the shop.

Its what people did to get the argus lf suit mount. that is like 500K. 500 to vendor, 400 k to get 2 tokend and convert to blizzard credit. 6 on one hand, half a dozen on the other. its still 6 either way.

also for some that money could ahve been money from farming 1% mogs/mounts. A big chunk of my financial reserves was WOD mount farming presquish. I was there for the mounts. Money nice but, yeah, it was the mounts.

Like when HFC finally dropped. I actually stopped farming that hardcore. A few chars needed 1 last item for armour set. So I jsut took in say…2 of them. I didn’t take in the whole 8+ farm. Blackhand mount eluded me, still does. so that saw the 8 char attack weekly.

It is hard. Not everyone wants to play a carrier. For most people it’s way easier to spend real money on the game because an adult easily earns a six month sub within one or two days of work alone.

Gold making is only hard when you are new to game (and thats when someone who is absolutely new to wow ,as in never played before) but if you have spend an expac playing gold isnt hard ,there are tons of guide there bro . This game is more than 1 and a half decade old there are so many expacs people have gold just rotting in their alts banks . Transmogs alone can make millions simple green items , pets and a lots and lots of profession mounts there are so many options. The only thing needed is TIME now its up to the person if he want TIME spend or Money spend its a choice which the buyer is making .

Well thats just grabbing technicality man :frowning: . I didnt spend real money so i dont care who is spending the money for me i m talking from buyer POV for gold .

That stupid stupid stupid stupid mount took me 425 tries arghhh more than 6 months on army of alts farming every week .

When you think about it, isn’t every mount they add to the game for real money regardless of the source? Given that you need to pay for the game / expansion(s) and then pay a “monthly” sub to continue playing

inb4 someone says you can pay for the sub via buying wow tokens with gold while missing the irony of doing the same for the store mount. Just converting the wow token to money instead of game time.

Doing the calling is content though. Just because you feel it isn’t doesn’t mean it isn’t.