Another Failure

So, you are redefining content, to mean brand new content? If so you should have said that. Arbitrarily redefining a word to support your argument is a bit silly. Dailies, callings, etc. are content. Content you may or may not like, but content none the less.


Very true as well. :slight_smile:

Businesses are not our friends, people should stop acting like they should be.


Ya he is changing his argument now. There is a difference between content and new content. But either way the mount still has no affect of new content imo.


Because they are a company and their job is to make money. Which seems to be a crazy idea to people now days. A company trying to make money itsnt being greedy its literally just doing its function

Spending money with a company gives them funds to produce more stuff. I know. Crazy how that works right?


Well, that happens to be what’s current. We’re not playing in past expansions. We’re playing in this one.

If you like the new mount I’m giving one away this weekend only! I am covering the coast of the mount out of my own pocket.

PS> there is a separate option if you’ve already bought it or there is another mount you would rather have


How many mounts can we squeeze out of the customer base before they quit?

Its all about the filthy lucre

Heck, recolored mounts have been a thing all the way back to Vanilla. Each race’s mount had recolors.

I agree, to me it’s just another “cash grab” move. I have never bought one mount and never will.

Genuine question: How many mounts do you have in your general collection?

Secondary question…how many mounts do you really need?

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You can farm gold to buy it if you like

You mean farm gold to buy their dirty tokens?

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Yes, and turn that token into balance and purchase what you like.

Cursed tokens!

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:man_shrugging: If you don’t like them it’s unfortunate you cut yourself off from getting what you want for free.

Not I. I do not buy mounts off the cash store nor tokens

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Dw, guys! It’s just an early/late April fools joke. We’ll get something that actually looks like it belongs in WoW after they remove this… thing :stuck_out_tongue:

But the did add a bunch of new model mounts did they not?