Another Community Council invitation is given out!

Honestly, I hope I don’t get picked. Never looked for fame. They need intelligent and critical thinkers. Not some hyper casual.

I’ve just been a Blizz gamer since the 90s. Nothing special. I feel like they are looking for technical and analytical people. People who can explain things nuanced and intricate.

As such, there are many players who understand the game this way. I mean unless they want a superficial behind the curve and around the corner dies by the elevator boss newb… I’m all yours

Why is having someone who streams equating to not “listening”? If you thought we should have some input upon who is on the council, I am glad they are not listening to that advice.

These 2 things do not counter each other. Intelligent and critical thinkers can play as casual as anyone else. And this council needs casuals otherwise it will just be “raid or die” again.


I mean, I’d think the interviews they flub on their own work would give some “Transparency” to what they think… but that’s just me I suppose. “A man’s work more than anything says what kind of person they are.” sort of schtick . Maybe I’m just a bit old-fashioned in that regard and sentiment?

Fair point honestly, especially since AOTC has changed a good bit the past 3 expansions.

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That’s not exactly fair to say. Just because someone gets AotC (I have) doesn’t mean they want a boring numbers game.

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I view my form of casual as I do not engage the content beyond passively watching a TV program.

I should clarify that they need intelligent people who play all day long know their classes inside and out know how other classes respond to the actions of their own class and are 100% meta because we all know the end game is the focus

Well by that standard im not a casual. Lol. First time ive ever been called that!

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IKR! ActiBlizz seems pretty deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to their customers. They’re probably inviting streamers to their council on the condition that they must always give WoW a good review. Now that I see that in writing, it sounds exactly like something ActiBlizz would do. /spit

Semper Fi! :us:

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id give you a like react if i wasnt out of them for the day. (like, WHY is liking someones post limited per day?)

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Supposed to limit alt like spamming, like many things the company implemented, it just irritates regular customers and patrons instead… while not doing a dern thing about the people it was SUPPOSED to punish cause…hello? ARMY OF ALTS!

Yep, sadly also out of :blue_heart:s. In fact I stay out of likes most days for hours.

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Sounds like a good reason to move to an account posting and not let character be the one posting.

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Not only do streamers “already” have a voice/platform, they make money doing it. So from the streamer’s POV there’s an incentive to white-knight/defend the game because they’re making money off the game.

These guys are obviously NOT going to bite the hand that feeds them/pays their rent by pointing out the various problems with the game (which needs to be done). The only thing we can expect from streamers is “Shadowlands is so fun, everything’s great!” style comments :laughing:

Typically these streamer players also have a huge social network and get lots of free gold, free carries, invited to most pug groups, are in a high-end Mythic guild, etc etc. They do not really represent the WoW experience of the “average” casual player that gets declined by pugs, doesn’t have the best gear, is in a casual guild, struggles from time to time, etc.

As has already been pointed out; real meaningful change won’t come from white-knights/streamers or green MVP “yes men” posters.


And? The fact that they have an audience means they also have a pool of people to discuss possible changes with and a pool of people to offer suggestions or use as a sounding board. The fact that someone is a streamer doesn’t mean they aren’t qualified to be on the “council”.

And won’t come from the trolling base found here either… It will come from people who actually care about the game and the fact you think that some how steamers automatically don’t shows just how jaded you are.

Streamers are mostly motivated by money or increasing their viewership, regular/casual players are more motivated by having fun or the game being fun. There is a difference.


Streamers are the last people we want around for that.


I guess that is why so many popular streamers have bashed Blizzard for months and left for other games right? They keep their viewers not by being a pan handling for a bad game, they keep it because their viewers are enjoying the content they are putting out.

What’s wrong with being a streamer? You seem to keep hammering on that point like I’m supposed to screech like a banshee at the thought of it.

Streamer says bahhh

Sheep says bahhhh

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Trolls say nothing important

As youve shown us.