Another Community Council invitation is given out!

The council will be full off Blizzard defenders only talking them up saying how they’re doing a great job when we all know they aren’t. GL with trying to get the old style wow back NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It’s all about money now and nothing else buying tokens for carries and gear this game is now about greed not making the customer happy anymore sad this was a amazing game once.

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that might not be the case.

Following up the idea I said about that, it would stand to reason that they might be interested in deconstruct criticism in order to most effectively convince others, which might invite the idea of having one or two critics to know the arguments and deconstruct it.

Also nothing new. You might find even here in those “militants” about certain ideologies, their posts are clearly a “mockery of critic”, like those actually talking about how the game is “woke”, or “PC”. The game isnt actually, but it is made to be perceived as such, given exactly the criticism that it is not, by those who find flaws for that. (ie, people who complain about something tells them how to justify not solving it).

You are strongly biased towards gnomes, it will create imbalance. :stuck_out_tongue:


Because Council individuals are not reps of the “community”. They are not elected or voted in a popularity contest. That would defeat the point of having people who are not well known, but can provide well thought out feedback on their areas of interest.

If you think they are supposed to be specific Reps of a group, instead of voices of themselves, you missed the point.

This is not an elected position and Blizz is not a democracy. Companies have never pretended to be.


What do you think CS/Tech MVPs are? Most of us are not end game. We are casuals who do pet collecting, crafting, old content, achievements, etc. I am well known for being one of the first to have Fishing and Cooking done each expansion (among my friends). I have almost every single achievement for those. I collect recipes and patterns just to complete the list.

I get frustrated when people seem to think posting means not playing.

They asked for people who had some sort of public coms - posting here is the smallest footprint and easiest to achieve. No stream, videos, blog, website, guide to produce. Just chat with other posters. Prove you can interact without being a toxic jerk.

MVPs are very much “real” players with a pretty diverse set of play styles and interests.


Let me put it in perspective for you

Players are pigs, in a pig farm. The creators/devs are the farmers.

You (the pig), are stinky and gross and are despised by the farmer. The farmer has to regularly pour slop into the trough to feed you (game content). It actually doesn’t matter what it is, from the farmers perspective, just as long as its cheap to make/get and is leftover scraps from the table (old rehashed content). you the stinky pig will line up to eat it all the same, because you need to eat. When the pigs start squealing they want better food, that’s prepped with care and with quality ingredients (because at first it was, in fact the farmer ate the food himself, and over the years it’s grown sour, old and now the farmer wouldn’t touch it)… well the farmer gets mad, how dare you, your a pig. The farmer starts to snicker at your squeals, laughs and pokes fun at what your asking for, minimizes/degrades your requests, (you think you want better food, but you dont).

I hate to say it, this council will not change the game. It might alter how the same slop is delivered to you, but that’s about it


If you’re talking to a pig that’s concerning

I don’t think your example is a good example TBH


Excuse me, can I at least be a cow? They’re cute and people love them at least.

The cruel irony of this analogy is that pigs are actually highly intelligent in terms of actual cognizance, we only slaughter them for food cause they lack the vocal capability and thumbs to read and speak or do anything human oriented.


I am sorry to cause you frustration. It was not my intent at all.
I guess I see MVP’s as “highly visible” people and tend to equate that with “non-casual”.
My wording was unfortunate and my association was incorrect.
Please accept my apology.
You are one of the MVP’s that I usually agree with and I would hate to get on your bad side.

Edited to add: I am glad you are on the council - you seem to be levelheaded and logical. I think you will represent a lot of WOW’s players very well.


A pig in a cow costume maybe! The farmers don’t allow different animal types, everyone needs to be exactly the same, with the same skills, same rotation, etc. etc.

Having different animal types on the farm would require more farmers and would add depth to the farm, can’t have that!

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With how many people want to punt gnomes or want to eat them (glaring at Draenei /jokes)
It seems like a fair reason. Represent the minority and all.

I can’t believe you said that might not be the case, best giggle I have had today. Everyone with half a brain know it will full of either Blizzard Employee’s that raid and will defend this game to the death. Which I think isn’t to far away. Not many people will invest in the next Xpac sorry to say. Have a good day.

Based on API data, this is incorrect. If you check sites like worldofwargraphs (which is the best data we have), the number of people who get AOTC is higher than the number of people doing Normal + LFR combined.

So, yes, a majority of people who raid at any level do get AOTC.

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Well said I must say and I think true too.

Admittedly with changes in raid layouts and such it MAY currently be higher, the 10-25% number is taken from Legion Xavius for example, With 25.7% at that time.

I applied knowing I’d never be selected. If there’s as many people applying as said then it’s mathematically improbable.

Tbh I didn’t bother applying because I know I would never be selected. I don’t raid outside the occasional LFR and don’t m+ or do rated. Blizz might say they want a spectrum of people but you and I both know that’s not true.

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Why? Streamers don’t represent me.

this post reveals way more about you than you probably intended it to. that’s not meant as an insult! it’s a fascinating read.

I believe you are correct and that’s why Blizz is calling it a “council” rather than a group of community representatives. Blizz needs a good sampling of various kinds of players rather than any sort of community publicly approved folks whose primary expertise is forum dueling.

I think the player community needs to see the council as an opportunity to hear Blizz thinking out loud with a select group of players rather than giving the rabble a soap box with Blizz forced to listen. It’s a way of creating some transparency about what Blizz is thinking without forcing employees to being treated with all the respect of a roadkill skunk in the open forums.

As you’ve pointed out, through the MVP program our concerns do get an amalgamated representation to the CS folks. Thank you for that.


Lol no. Unless the council consists of all types of players, it will just be ION 2.0

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