Annoyed by Warbands

My experience so far is that I log into the character that I want before I even see the campfire stuff. I’m a busy guy!

100% agreed. Not playing until they FIX THIS


‘Warbands’ isn’t a thing, it’s an umbrella marketing term for ‘your account’ made up by Blizzard.

The complaint you have relates to changes on the log-in screen - which IMO are terrible changes - and there are already dozens of posts on this issue (with most agreeing the changes are terrible).


I love the new Warbands logon screen, I like seeing my faves sitting around a campfire…I love the new changes too…

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That’s because it’s going through the same process as when you would switch a realm via the menu to go to that character previously, your just not seeing it anymore.

The time frame is identical and hasn’t changed, but not seeing a realm change or manually changing a realm like previously makes it feel like it’s taking longer.

Why this is though, idk. I could guess, but it’s pointless cause I’m not a coder.

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So do I.

my warband button keeps telling me that
it’s being used by another of my characters…lol.

Honestly, I have nothing against that campfire and being able to populate that with 4 favorite characters. Granted it is stolen from Diablo, but that doesn’t matter if it is a good idea.

The thing I dislike, is that these favorites are forced on me. I can close that “Favorites” menu option as many times as I want, the game just doesn’t save that I do not want it open. Why not add options so users can setup the software to the way they feel comfortable using it?

Ideally, allow people to keep use the character select screen as we had it for 20 years now, if they wish to do so. All of those options are still in the game.

Add more “folder” options like that “Favorites” one, make the system save in what state that folder is, “expanded” or not. Let us name those folders, so people can create a favorite list and name it after the Realm or whatever they want to name it, and then drag and drop characters into it.


It is very cumbersome. The 4 toons (favorites) is very Diablo-ish and I don’t mind it if I have the ability to set my toons list by realm/server. This could in the future be a great feature but right now it is causing a lot of headaches for people with lots of toons on lots of servers.

Some of my toons are on servers to play with certain people on their servers. It makes it easier to jump on and play when they contact me. With it this way, I can’t find the toons on that server quickly to select the one I need to play to help them.

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What’s confusing me, is why can I no longer create characters on new realms? I made my first char on Alexstrasza when I made my account today. I finished the Exile’s Reach, then went to make a character on Proudmoore. Thought I did, Double clicked proudmoore and it “selects” Proudmoore. I make the character. Log out… low and behold it’s only allowing me to make characters on Alexstrasza, a dead realm with no activity, no trade chat, no guilds, no nothing.

Talk about blizz staff making bs posts.
how exactly is it easy/faster than what we had before?
spoiler: it’s not at all.
In fact every login is slower than pre-warbands because every char logs into the server when selected which wasn’t a thing before.

I think what’s needed is better visual partitions for peoples chars/realms. Like the little dividers they have for the conveyer belts in a food market checkout. Some folks just like to have their things neatly packed and the way it is now it’s all just all dumped into one bucket.


That only happens if you’re playing a character that’s on a different server than the previous one you logged into.

Also, it’s much faster than before when you had to manually go to the realm list to change it. This is such a nothing burger complaint. :roll_eyes:


And this is not faster than switching back to a server list and then choosing a character and then logging in?


Are you accusing me of being blizz staff because I have a different opinion? LOL

Before: change realm - wait for realm change - select character

Now: double click


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tf are you :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: about.
Maybe you’re unaware because you’re new to wow, but before this month, characters were listed by realm you were already logged into which was one last handshake per character login. So now, per char:

No, I like Warbands. I wish we’d get more warband screens instead of just one. But like you I have 2 realms for my Alliance and Horde characters and I simply organized them. Horde on top, Alliance bottom. No problem.


yea, I wish I had so few chars they were all on 1 or 2 servers. Unfortunately I’m character capped.
In 20 years I have hubs of chars on 5 or 6 servers, many duplicate names and classes.
The new char select screen UI/UX is an absolute gongshow.
Real “alt friendly”. What a joke.

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I desperately want an opt-out.

I am playing characters, not an account.

But, as usual with Blizzard, there is no option to ignore their shiny new feature. They are going to shove it down your throat whether you like it or not.

I am having the same problem.

But I am assumed it is just a new expansion thing and will iron itself out in time.


I am having to collapse that empty list every time I am on the character selection screen.

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