Annoyed by Warbands

This doesn’t happen if you choose to log in to a character that’s on the same realm as the last character you logged into.

The end result is that it’s 100% faster than it used to be if you’re trying to log into a character on a different realm. You find them in the list (or search!), and double click. Previously, you had to go back to the realm list, log into the realm, then log into the character.

Also, don’t be rude or condescending to others. Especially when you’re wrong about something. :sunglasses: Accusing people of being shills when they’re helpfully correcting you is low.

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I just wish there was some option we could use if we want to go back to the character selection screen BEFORE the 11.0 patch.

It was perfect before. They changed it for no reason.


Been playing since vanilla, hon.

Previously, if you wanted to log out from your main and log in with an alt in another realm, you had to press on Change realm, select your realm, wait for the realm change (2-3 seconds) and then select your character.

Now you just double click on your alt because they’re all on the same list.


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Sounds like a skill issue

To me the system is confusing.

Apparently the system shows you all the characters you have on all realms. However only characters on the selected realm show the “you got mail” symbol and how much gold they have when you mouse-over them. In order to see those from the other characters you have to change the selected realm. In a similar manner in order to make a character on a realm, you have to select the realm and then make it.

Thing is the game shows you nowhere what realm you have selected at the time. All you can do is mouse-over on a character, look if you see the gold that character holds and if the game shows you that then you can look at the realm that character is on… and that realm is selected. Of course they didn’t print the selected realm on screen because it would confuse since not all character shown are on that realm.

It is slower now only if you have characters on different realms. Like me my Alliance is on one realm and the Horde on another. If my “selected realm” is the Horde realm as example and I want to log into an Alliance character the game first has to switch realms, then it loads the character list on that realm and then it logs in. You see all those operations with the text on screen.

We don’t talk about how easy it is to select any character and logging in. We talk about the time it takes after double clicking a character to log in.
As I said above, if you switch characters and both are on different realms it takes longer then before.

I have a suspicion that Blizzard might be preparing to merge all regional realms together, so that this wouldn’t be as much of a problem, which is why it wasn’t included on the log in screen.

The fact that you can’t search by realm is another indication that this might be in the works. It seems like an obvious search term to include.

With advanced sharding, they have the technology now that they didn’t when WoW was first made to have players play on local servers without character data being linked to specific realms.

I suspect Remix was a test of this too. You could play with players not from your own connected realms out in the world. All of Oceania was one big realm, almost like geographic regions became a mega server. I’m fairly sure the Americas had a similar setup, but I’m not as familiar with the realm names there.

I think the reason it wasn’t done the other way around is that Warbands and the login screen gives us a chance of getting used to the fact that realms aren’t being pushed as too important anymore.

This is all conjecture on my part though, I could be way off.

If you fixed the bugs, as this has all been a buggy mess, then congratulations on fixing your bugs. Another thing the old and better UI/UX didn’t have to suffer.
That doesn’t make you the authority on telling people how to speak to people with trashy and deceitful attitudes.

Take some of this advice.
You would be verbally tongue-lashed to the point you’d be crying IRL if you gave me those eyerolls because you were wrong about something. You have the energy of a minimum wage fastfood worker who got my order wrong, and can’t imagine for a second that they did anything wrong. You get clapped back on because you’re a problem. Learn to take it instead of your know-nothing, gen z eyeroll.

But that is a thing already for a long time, since before the Legion expansion if memory serves. If you played anything below the current expansion you where lead to “shards” where you can meet basically anyone from any server in your Battlegroup that is in that spot of the game. As example Stormwind or Orgrimmar are such shards. The game will “dump” everyone in Stormwind or Orgrimmar onto one and the same shard, until it becomes to full, then it opens another shard.
Last time I played in Battle for Azeroth everyone you seen in the world of the BfA zones where from your realm. Now in Dragonflight, where I only played end of season 3 and season 4 you seen people from all kind of realms standing around in Valdrakken.

Yeah, MoP Remix I think “flagged” your toon in a certain way, and that way you can only run around on that one shard that is specific for MoP Remix.

Maybe they do what you said, but I would still prefer the ability to create own “folders” similar to that “favorites” folder, where I can move my toons in and out of. That way I can “hide” the toons I not intent to continue to play and separate the Alliance and Horde toons.