Annoyed by Warbands

Is it possible to turn off Warbands?

I have two realms I play, one with every class on Alliance side and the other with every class Horde side. That works well for me, since if I want to play Alliance I know what realm to choose and if I feel like Horde I choose the other.

Now I have one huge list of characters… quite allot I don’t plan on playing anymore. The worst part is… the log-in takes longer then before. Maybe it is because the system still has bugs in it or it will be like that I don’t know.
But it is annoying to only have four measly slots for your “favorites”… I play every tank class and a Hunter for old times sake.

Anyone else annoyed by Warbands?

So apparently you can select no favorite, then at least you get rid of the Warbands log-in screen, but log-in still takes longer then before because the game logs you into the server and then into the game.


I find Warbands extremely confusing. I thought it would be each server you have a warband or you create them from groups of 4 toons on a server.

Instead, it appears to have toons from other servers part of just 1 single warband for the entire game. That’s bad, I have characters on different servers that are part of a guild, they work like a collective. Why would I want to take 4 from the total pool across different servers? Wouldn’t that create a balance issue?

But also, I notice how easily it’s possible to swap out which are in the one whole single whopping “Warband”. how exactly is that supposed to work for them to share things as a group…does that mean you can literally just swap them out at anytime and game just “knows” and adjusts accordingly? I’m confused.


I don’t understand what’s confusing for you.

Your entire roster of characters, in any realm, belongs to your warband. The selection screen is independent from your warband, it’s just a convenient way of selecting four favorite characters for easy/fast login.


Warband is just a catch all term for the cross character account based progression philosophy moving forward in the game. Your account is your warband

The favorites scene that has your four favorite characters is just a favorites shortlist.

They are two entirely different things.


No it is not.

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how do you do this?

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Drag all the favorites down into the rest of the character list.


see i would have though to right click and hit a set/unset favorites button or maybe a star in the character tile on the list but not to just drag them out


For example, if you have same name toons on multiple realms, it would become extremely annoying.


Yeah, I’m positive Blizz will give us a filtering option in a near future.

We’ve been giving this exact feedback for over months and they never paid attention. I wonder why make us test things if they’re not going to listen.

Same goes for the obnoxious flight mode switch.


Probably, for now they are busy fixing warband banks lol

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Warbands is just making me want to delete most all of my alts vs. create more.

I specfically, put all of my alliance characters and all of my horde characters on different servers. So that, in part, they would be organized and clear to me on log in. Now, seemingly they cannot be sorted by realms by using the realms tab. But rather, you must manually do. I understand this isn’t a ‘thing’ to many people. But it’s just cluttered and messy now and my way of handling that is typically to just get rid of clutter.

Then, I logged into a newer character, one that i have been playing through retail zones doing everything on slowly, in tandem with doing the same with a character on classic servers -to see the story, zone, lore and quest changes (as I was never able to see anything pre Legion in it’s current timeline). Today I log in and this character gets a ton of ‘you achieved this!’ that, they didn’t achieve and i specfically *didn’t purchase or complete for them for a reason. I could have gotten them faster flight or dragon flying a long time ago I didn’t want them to have it yet as the expansion they are in didn’t have that speed/feature.

I understand having account wide credit and features is GOOD and NEEDED. I have other characters that I am glad, for example, can just fly around Dreanor because I put in that time. I respect and understand completely how this is a boon for how most people play. Allowing them freedom to swap between alts and characters without any grumbling or guilt that they aren’t properly progressing their main, or ‘i already did this blizz.’

But there really should be some better way for us to opt characters in or our of our ‘warband’ As, it IS a 20 year old game, and not everyone, was able to play it since day one. Or even if they could, for various reasons from rp, to keeping a character progressed with a friends, to one’s own personal sense of story, or accomplisment, that maybe people don’t want every single character auto-progressed/filled in.


Really would be nice to still have our per-server views as a filter option. Very clunky swapping between characters of a specific realm instead of just the ones that get put at the top of your list, favorited or not.


Basically, all characters you have on your WoW account show up in one huge list. And now you select four of them all… to be in your Warband which is basically a “favorite list” of kind.
But for me as an crazy Althoholic… it is counter productive. I do not have favorites.

… Which is what I have. I have two realms, where I have each class once, one realm is Alliance the other Horde. To not get confused I have basically the same name for the same class, meaning both Warriors have the same name, just the race differs. So now I have one huge list with literally only two things that I can do to sort them, pick four Favorites and sort the rest in a long list.

This right here is complicating my predicament, before you had a max of 50 toons on all realms… I was hitting that limit in BfA because I leveled new toons for the “Allied Race” tmogs.
You seem to suffer the same as I do, Aldrussra-argent-dawn, know that you are not alone! Lol, I am in the same boat.


Thought maybe I was missing something but yeah, doesn’t appear to be a way to see characters by realm. Crazy oversight. Even if you swap realms via the menu at the top, nothing actually happens. Why is it just 1 big long list?


Servers are pretty meaningless now.

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Take the time to sort them that’s all you can do. Warbands is just a fancy name for every toon on your account.

I rather like having all my characters listed on one screen as opposed to having to switch realms.
However, I really hope they give us more sorting options (e.g. by realm, class, race, etc.). They’ve already done it a little bit in giving us the “favorites” section, so why not give more options?


I’m in the same boat as well, but I have over 60 characters on 6 realms. Not being able to do any separation or sorting by realm is brutal. Hopefully they can implement something to address that fairly quickly.


Why do we even still have Realms listed at this point with everything being cross server?