Annoyed by Warbands

Also whats’s annoying is having multiple toons on a server, then having to figure out what toons are on what server now buy going through the list. like if i want to move money over, and delete toons. now i have to go through them all and wait for the pop up to show up and for the server to show up, which takes a moment each time.


This is a great idea. and hope any BLUE poster would see this and take it up the chain to get that done.

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How much longer?

As long as it took to read your post, or you to write it?

That’s pretty long. You should make a forum post about it.


Searching the Sever doesn’t work. Searching class works, even race … but not server. cause that makes sense. lol ill remember what race my toon is on way before the server… yeah right lmao (that last bit wasn’t meant for you just an observation for myself)


I do not have brain traumas… yet, but I do start to have some memory issues.

The thing is, who in his/her right mind uses a 4TB hard drive in windows… and then pops all the files on it without any folders? Imagine you are a Lawyer and you store all your client’s files not in folders… but you throw all the pages just in a drawer.
That is how this feels like.

I don’t get why they did not add any sorting tools, that permanently sort characters. Right now I do not fill the 4 favorite slots… so I click the + to close that menu… but every time I switch toon that thing is open again, empty.

The issue is, I would need 3 “folders”. One for the Alliance toons, one for the Horde toons… and one for toons I not plan to play. As of right now the system doesn’t even let me close that 4 favorites menu, it keeps popping open, making me need to scroll longer down. Before I put the toons in an order on how frequent I play them, now the size of that list doubled.


It was easy having your favorite characters at the top of your character list. This warband login stuff is silly. You look at the login window for about 10 seconds when log in. Nobody needs 4 toons sitting around a campfire or whatever like it means something because it doesn’t.


do not like all my characters lumped together , prefer grouped by server, also I do not see the you have mail icon beside my characters anymore, this is a downgrade imo :-1:


I like the screen personally, in fact I would love more screens with different backgrounds, and the ability to add even more characters.

I also understand people not liking it. For those, I hope you get the possibility of disabling it and return to the old mode.

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This is a misunderstanding.

All your characters are in your Warband, not just the 4 favorites.

The 4 you select to be your favorites are just the ones which show around the fire, you can load them from there, without looking at the list.

But all your characters will have access to the Warbank, they all contribute to Warband reputations and you can transfer currencies to-from all of them.

No, they didn’t, which seems like an oversight.

But you can search, by name, faction, race, profession, location or class.

Unfortunately not Realm though, which also seems odd, but I suppose they might try to merge realms in the future to the point that realms don’t matter.

well, not annoyed with warbands per se. but i think the character selection screen and jumbled characters etc. etc. is right up there with some of the worst changes ever made to this game.

it all seems like a huge waste of developer time to change the screen. my top played characters were always at the top of each list on each realm. i have 6 accounts and a ton of characters like almost 300 on multiple multiple realms. so for me especially this character screen is an abomination.

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Serious question, why? I’m not trying to be rude or anything just genuinely curious why you have so many accounts and characters. I ask as someone that’s played since Vanilla and has maybe 30 toons account wide.


well before blizzard started giving everything away for free, aka world boss mounts, raid mounts, holiday boss mounts etc… etc… to increase my chances i just made more toons.

now back in bc and wrath during down times i would just level alts for fun just to have 1 of every class on both horde and alliance. then came the heirlooms. then the fishing boa rings. then came mop with krol the blade and archerius the flame who dropped the elixir of ancient knowledge for 300% increase in exp which was farmable. then on top of that refer a friend used to grant you another 300% increase to experience for 90 days. and then on top on top on top of that it combimbed with boas that gave you like another 50% exp.

so i just took advantage and because raf had mount rewards i referred myself 6 times to get all the raf mounts and i just went to town with 650% increase to exp.

it was funny cause at level 1. you would complete 1 quest and go instantly to level 14 lol.

so yea. sorry for life story.


If that is right then it is even more downgrade…

Honestly I like that screen where you see 4 characters. I would prefer being able to put more characters there, ideally either every class having a different animation when sitting there or me being able to select a animation and stance.

I just don’t like having no other sorting tool then “Favorites” and then the rest in one non-numbered “List” that for me never seems to end, lol.

I do understand the whole “Warband” system, even though we do not have access to the Warband Bank yet.

What I meant was looking at that “Warband Character List” on the right side of the log in screen, what you have is a 4 spots “Favorites” on top and then all the others below it. Yes you can select characters from the left side of the screen, but you can also select the favorites on the right side from the list.

You know, the search bar is nice, if I use a Internet Browser. What would have been better, is search tags on the top that you can click on that then hide characters. Search tags that make sense like Faction (Alliance or Horde)… Realm(!!!) or class.
Honestly who searches by race, profession or location???

I did something similar, but much much more tame, lol. I played in EU from Vanilla until end Cataclysm, then got me a MoP US account, because I changed where I live. Since The Burning Crusade I wanted that 2 Seater Rocket and then somewhere in WoD they sold base WoW for like $10 and I thought that plus 1 month of game time is like $25 which is what they charge for the store mounts. Why not.

I also had and used those elixiers. But what I did with them, I leveled my toons normally, then in WoD I leveled them to 92 by doing the initial zone, then I flown to a couple Bonus Objectives and cleared them to like 90% done. You could do that in 3 zones, then I popped the elixier and flown around to do those Bonus Objectives to finish them and pickup treasures on the way. I was leveling that way from 92 to 100 in under 2 hours… solo.

Understand Blizzard… We need a form to watch only your char per servers.
We only need a general bank could be created without the creation of Warbands


I also find the new character screen annoying. I already removed my characters from the favorites section, but I always have the feeling I have to zoom out. The button are so large, it feels like a kids game… (I play on a triple monitor setup)


Why does it have to be a certain way though? Like what makes it important to separate characters in a certain way. It almost seems like a weird obsession.

It’s just game characters. :eyes:

I know I am asking this and I don’t have a ton of characters but from what I can see you can move characters you might log onto more towards the top, or keep your warband as different armor types or something.

If anything I’d think the new character select screen would be easier than changing realms.

I’d like to have the login screen be server specific tbh. I had a bunch of throwaway alts on other servers so i’d never have to look at them and now i gotta deal with em.

People like organization?


Currently, my only problem with the Warbands screen is that I need to place my Arms Warrior in first place or he stabs my Warlock when chosen!

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I’d just love it if they’d stop screwing with my favorite list.

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You can’t turn off warbands, but you can take all characters out of warbands and just organize them by server.

I organized mine by class and server except for my selcted four in warbands. It was a lot of work since I had many alts.