Annoyed by Warbands

I can’t even access my warbands bank…
Keeps saying it’s in use by another member of the party…

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It’s down and been down due to a critical error, posted on wow head.

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Maybe warbands aren’t all that, but I see a future where your warband and my warband can fight. I’m betting it looks like a game of Holochess.

mark my words, it’s the next pet fighting.

Not arguing with your take about Warbands, just saying login hasn’t been taking longer than before for me. Hopefully that’s something that will resolve itself over the next few days.

They’ll certainly add a filter, probably when they start opening new log in scenes.

I didn’t have the log in timing issues you mentioned. Perhaps ensure addons are deactivated until they get updated? I know Bagnon prevented me from accessing my bank until I turned it off.

I know a few people who have 50+ alts on different realms with same names.


Yeah, it was easy for me to sort my 65 characters using the realm list. Now, it’s just unmanageable.


Nope and Sorry

The Warbands bank is not working as of right now. At least that is what I read, they still “working on it”.

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It’s easy to sort by inputting ‘Alliance’ or ‘Horde’ in the search box at the top of the list display on the login screen. (I found out it’s a very flexible search for faction and physical location from another player.)

Without terminating your account…no not at all as your warband is your account and all warbands does is remove the grind of certain things cross characters of your account. If it bugs you so much you’re free to give up on retail and go play classic where Warbands as far as I’m aware don’t exist yet.

When I click on a character to log in, I see a text telling me that the game “Retrieving Realm List” and then “Logging in to Game Server” and then it starts to log in.

It seems to depend on what character you logged in last. If you try to log in on a character that is on another realm then the one you logged in last, it takes longer.

The odd thing is, you still have a list of Realms up top that show you where you have characters, but selecting one of those realms does nothing at all that I can figure to the character screen.


Well like I stated in my previous post, the game will still log you onto the realm character select and then log you in. If you log out and then log in on a character that is on the same realm as the previous, it will be fast. But if you log on with a character on another realm then it will switch you to that realm and then log you in. You see that with the 2 messages.

Feels to me like they popped on a system that the server-software wasn’t meant to do.

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If so, thats a behind-the-scene thing that doesn’t seem necessary. If you are going from same server to same server on the character screen, that sort of thing will happen anyhow.

For me, that Realm option up top would seem an ideal first step in rationalising the character screen. If you want to use it to show just characters on a server, use that. If you have happy with the full list, have that.

And yes, it may be a bandaid fix but it doesn’t make anything feel much better, really.

Convenient isn’t the word that comes to mind. lol


I get it that it’s uncomfortable for several people, but for me? It’s really convenient and attractive imo. I really love it. I hope we get to see more background scenarios, though.

It depends where you come from. If you only play… around 4 toons a season actively, yes it is amazing.

But if you have more toons, it feels like someone took all the screws that that you sorted in storage bins… and dumps it into one box. Yes, they are not mixed, but without separator have fun finding anything.


Seeing all 57 of my characters, many with the same names, on 1 page makes me not want to log in at all. Like many of you, I have had all classes on multiple servers in both factions for many xpacs. I have molded my top characters on multiple servers over years, and listed them in very particular orders for very specific reasons, but now it’s just a mess of every character on 1 screen. This is an absolute nightmare without the ability to sort or see the old server character lists. Honestly, I might unsub if they don’t make a workaround, because they have ruined years of planning and organization with this 1 feature.
Maybe it’s not that big of a deal for some of you, but I have some memory/organizational issues from brain trauma and strokes, and ordering my characters specifically by server, class, profession, etc. was one of the only ways I could manage them. They could have just made everything account-wide without messing everything up. If the developers were so set on something new, it could look something like this:

+Server 1
+Server 2
+Server 3

-Server 1
Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
+Server 2
+Server 3


Yeah exactly, that’s my case. I have around 30-35 alts, but only actively play 4, 5 top.

I know it’s not ideal, but have you tried using the search bar? Maybe if you type the realm name, it might filter it for you.

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