notice how it’s about “GDKPs replacing guilds” now that the “GDKPs cause RMT” argument has fallen flat on its face
Keep crying, swipers.
I don’t buy gold, never had to since I ran my alts thru GDKPs
The goalpost is sledding
I haven’t met a single good raider that is anti-gdkp.
this x 10000
“I don’t have to buy gold because I got it from swipers in GDKPs” isn’t the flex you think it is.
And now that you can’t do that you feel compelled to buy illegal gold yourself. Which is why you want gdkps back.
There are none. We got a trolling moon glow Druid in here to no ones surprise
Blizz banned gdkps for multiple reasons. It’s the pro-gdkpers who are ignoring one or the other based on their agenda.
How many times do I have to link this? Are you all allergic to reading?
The only people making claims that removing GDKP = stopping gold selling are people who want GDKP. and then you go “LOOK THERES STILL GOLD SELLING”
I don’t have the urge to buy gold, I actually do okay with a mage and my skinner. I learned along time ago you don’t mess with peoples time or money and thats what banning GDKPs do since you’re forcing someone to play a way they don’t want to.
Also newsflash they’re still buying
I don’t particularly care if they want to get their illegal gold from GDKPs. It’s not good for the game, and Blizz agrees.
Honestly the master class on psyops that anti-gdkp gave was worth the ban and you guys deserve every dollar you make.
It was beautiful to watch and lose to
Oh, right this guy. The one who thinks gold sellers want GDKPs banned.
only people it actually hurts
well if that’s the case then why do you keep saying “swiper swiper swiper” to everyone who disagrees with you?
Gold sellers don’t care what their buyers spend it on
Considering gold sales are up I think farmers are eating pretty good.
They care about competition from gdkp-hosts and most buyers no longer buying because they can get enough gold to play with gdkps.
gdkps basically decimates 90% of gold market and leaves mostly whales
not in the least