Banning GDKPs killed this game before it even launched. We are in a GDKP Economy without GDKP income. Before only 3-4 raiders would buy and the raid would eat but now 30-40 raiders buy and only the bots are eating.
not accurate. nice reach though
It’s still going strong. you’re wrong about it being dead
LOL. Anniversary has so many players it needs more servers. Try again.
That’s a horrible argument, people also worked before cars, phones and laptops were a thing. Doesn’t mean they’re not beneficial.
more servers would kill the game more harder than its all ready been killed
“The grass is blue cause I said so”
Still trolling as moonglow?
the tide is turning GDKP will win
lol you just discredited yourself entirely in 4 short words.
Zaalg is right, people are still complaining about dreamscythe being overpopulated they still can’t quest. If you think the game is dead you’re a few cheerio’s short of a box
Except you’re the one making the outlandish claims. All this talk about ‘GDKPers are making valid arguments’ is in reference to what? “The game will die without gdkps?”
That’s not an argument. It’s a ridiculous statement disproven by 20 years of the history of the game, and the last few months of Anniversary. There are no arguments other than “I miss the illegal gold.”
Then why are pugs still allowed?
And you’re still trolling as an F tier Druid playing moonglow
nooo you can’t ask anti-GDKPers to be consistent! that’s not fair
Because pugs are not replacing guilds like GDKP does. You can not honestly be argueing in good faith. You could be in 8th grade and you’d be smart enough not to ask this question.
Gdkps don’t replace guilds lmfao.
It’s literally a pug system.
The OP literally said he wants gdkps so he doesn’t have to join a guild. He’s making your argument for you.
Gdkps don’t replace guilds. They’re an alt pug on a non committed schedule and roster unlike guilds.
A swing and a miss
You’ve never played classic before have you?
Good argument. Typical deflection of the losing party
All you anti GDKP’ers will never change your mind but you should have zero say about the bodies of those that do want to play in a GDKP