not gonna happen if you want GDKP, play classic era. we’re having a blast over here.
A pro-GDKPs thread made by a character with 0 posts.
As predictable as the sunrise.
“no one comes to the forums to voice their opinions on gdkps cuz majority don’t care”
" 0 post person makes post to voice their opinion "
You really are special
Imagine if everyone who doesn’t normally post came here to post their opinion on it… you would be freaking out
No surprises 15 minutes since this thread was made and already anti-gdkp gremlins are spouting the usual nonsense.
“if you want GDKP, play classic era. we’re having a blast over here.”
Who is the “we” you’re talking about? I too play anniversary and I want gdkp back lol
I see you. Ive been watching.
The only takes worth reading.
At this point there’s no reason to unban gdkp other than to appease a few angry swipers and the people who miss their gold.
The rest of your post is nonsense. Players found reasons to make alts for 17 years before gdkps took over. You not wanting to join a guild is a YOU problem.
See you tomorrow when you make another gdkp thread on yet another alt.
At least they are 60, more credible than you
anniversary =/= era do you realize that
Remember when you told me to stop posting about Era topics because I don’t play that version… so what are you doing here?
You don’t play this version go away
no, because that didn’t happen
An anti-GDKP made by someone with more post than actual playtime, like moths to a flame.
Nah, I don’t hide on alts. I post on 1 character.
And it’s not a coincidence that almost all these threads are made by characters with no posts. The pro-gdkp crowd is like 3 people and their alts. I see either swipers or lobbyists. And it’s only here. No one talks about them on reddit or in-game. Everyone else has moved on.
+1 in favor of GDKPS
You’re literally hiding on an alt.
Unless you’re telling us all you’ve been hardstuck at level 23 for 6 years
Actually you being hard stuck at level 23 makes more sense
Did you ever consider that people in favour of gdkp have low post counts because they play the game instead of whinging about everything.
man who knew there was this much axe grinding in world of warcraft
oh hey it is monday for the oceanians! how is monday going gang?
It’s big business and players are missing out. They’ll whine forever on various alts. But it doesn’t matter. Real players have moved on.