Anniversary - Please bring GDKP back

So you’re a level 23 who has never experienced being 60 during anniversary but you have much input?

The character I post on is level 23, which means absolutely nothing. We should be given template forum avatars. It makes no difference. The only factor is number of posts, simply as a way to gauge if someone is posting on multiple characters. As far as I’m concerned each account should get 1.

But I will say I enjoy posting on the 23 because people who try to obsess over that are just saying they have no actual argument.

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Contradicted yourself like you have before in 9,800 post.

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I’d be reeeeal careful with the amount of trolling you do with the recent uptick in posts asking for gdkp to return.

It would be very ignorant to ignore the rising amount of YouTube videos, streamers, Reddit and forum posts supporting bringing it back.

The thing is if blizzard goes “maybe we should” and does bring it back, the amount of investment you put into trolling these people will backfire so hard on you that the fallout you will have to deal with will be so great you may never be able to return to the game

Just some words of advice

Especially going into tbc. Wether you like gdkp or not, tbc will not last on its second iteration without gdkps and good and bad players alike know this

Yeah, except that isn’t happening.

Oh yes, the typical, “everyone knows this” argument. Completely untrue. Anniversary is packed to the brim without gdkps. In fact, they need more servers.

You really are stupid…

What percentage of the population that plays wow actually post on the forums?

It’s got to be less than 1%.

So if something is going on that people don’t like the only avenue to say anything about it is to post on the forums.

Your post count is irrelevant.

Except it is happening…

It is happening. I’m not saying this because I want to, I’m saying it cause that’s what’s happening lol.

Not really. If you remove everyone’s alts and ignore the bots there’s probably 50-75k players. That’s not really impressive compared to 2019. There’s like what, 3 layers at prime time?

All I’m saying is if they bring it back, the months and months of your trolling investment will cause unbearable shame

Nah, it would bring Blizz shame for caving to swipers.

Another day of swipers still seething hahahaha

Learn to play the game instead of relying on rmt

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This doesn’t really make any sense.

The only angry Redditors are people wanting gdkps back.

Could you imagine if blizz gave in to every single person that cried

No one is seething. People asking for GDKP are providing actual reasons for wanting it reinstated, while the anti-GDKP crowd always responds with mockery.
And no, I won’t be posting this again from an alt—I think across 20 toons, I have maybe three or four posts in total. I tend to avoid engaging in public forums due to the usual circle j…, but I wrote this post because many of my old friends from Classic and new friends from Anniversary want GDKP back and I wanted to do my part of asking Blizzard to bring it back.

just don’t be bad and don’t invite bad players.

Isn’t it amazing how WoW grew to 12 million players without this loot system taking over the game? Yet somehow today these swipers say the game can’t survive without it?

What a compelling argument!

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Gdkp was already in the game before It grew to 12 million subs…


We love GDKP, Bring it back!


You not wanting to bother to join a raid team is not a reason to bring gdkps back

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So he should be forced to play in a guild to tailor to how you think the game should be played?


More options outside of committing to a guild is absolutely a reason to have more options. If gdkps erode guild structures, then so do pugs of all variety and such should all be banned.

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It’s how Blizz thinks the game should be played. And how players played for near two decades. Having a couple years of swipers being able to buy bis gear with illegal gold means nothing. They’re just seething they can’t do that anymore.