Anniversary classic servers - question about the GDKP ban

What they meant was someone paying on a level 1 character then doing the run on a levelled character.

If someone wants to pay on a lower level, have them transfer the gold to their main to pay. If they refuse, you know something is up. Don’t accept that trade from a level 1.


I don’t know what typical enchanting tips/prices are on classic but assuming a 15g tip or fee for an enchant is not an unreasonable amount, that’s very different from someone just handing you 1000g for no reason.

It’s like if someone tipped you 1g to give them a portal from Darnassus to Stormwind vs someone paying you 100g to do the same. One of those is going to raise a lot more red flags compared to the other.

Just use some common sense. Don’t accept gold from people you don’t trust and if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t try to rules lawyer your way around it. The vast majority of people are playing classic without getting banned for RMT, you should be fine as long as you take some basic precautions.


Submit a suggestion, saying it here will not get any traction as the devs do not collect feedback from this forum

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It’s best not trade with anyone in WoW. Use the auction house or farm the materials yourself. It’s not worth the risk. Even if the gold went through many hands your account will be at risk.

Well thats great for a MMO and especially for classic where the community and interact with other players is a bit more necessary than retail :dracthyr_lulmao:
Gonna need a blue text confirming its this grim lol, like I’m just flabbergasted still thinking this can’t be real.

Regretfulx is exaggerating to the point where it is misleading.

Yes, you can get in trouble for receiving illicit gold. No, you can’t get in trouble for enchanting a max level raider’s item for the going price.

Beware level 1s trading gold “for their high level char” or anything that seems suspicious. Don’t get involved in GDKP runs in any way. Not as buy, carrier, or seller. Don’t put a grey bear butt on the AH for million gold to be “bought” by a gold seller. Oh, and obviously don’t just plain buy gold.

Most of it is common sense.


You absolutely can. Do not mislead people into thinking they can post a cheap, common item on the AH for a high price and have a gold seller purchase it as a means of funneling the gold to them. You could even post a rare item or stacks of commodities at an exorbitant price to try to make it appear to be a legitimate AH posting, but if it’s bought out with “tainted” gold, you’re not going to get away with it. Cyntaria, if you (or anyone else) are in need of gold, buy a Blizzard token. I don’t know what these illicit gold sellers charge, but on US servers, a token is like 300k gold for $15. Seems like a pretty good deal for a safe and legal transaction.



Again common sense! Do not place common items that vender for a gold or two and have no real value then to be vendor trash on the AH for high amounts.

Do that you will get nabed for rmt. At least it will set off alarm bells you want to avoid


For me (living in the US) the price to purchase a Token from Blizzard in the Shop is $20 USD (plus any applicable taxes). Price will vary, of course, based on your locale’s currency conversion.

If you purchase a Token from the Auction House you can (if your locale permits it) turn it into the equivalent of $15 USD in Balance in your locale’s currency.


Thanks for clarifying that. Still, $20 for 300k gold is a pretty good deal. How much less could the illegal gold sellers be charging? Half? If you can afford to spend $10 for 300k gold, you can spend $20.


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Not sure if the token is available on Anniversary Classic fresh start servers, just retail an progression last I checked.


Requires World of Warcraft® Subscription
Not available in World of Warcraft® Classic games

Other restrictions apply. Visit the support article for more details.
May not be available for limited-time game modes. Not available for Timerunning Characters.

This one is better for progression

Requires World of Warcraft® Subscription or Game Time

Not available in World of Warcraft® Classic Era

Other restrictions apply. Visit the support article for more details


If players can get convinced to buy legit gold through WoW tokens it’s a win-win, if they want. That said, no WoW tokens at the Classics.

Good point.

The Token for the Classic Progression realms is completely different in regards to the amount of gold one would receive for selling it on the Auction House.

Also, the Token on Classic Progression realms does not offer the ability to convert to Balance.

Currently, one would receive the below gold amount on Cataclysm Classic:


Yeah… it boggles the mind why someone who is already willing to pay $ for gold would rather buy from a shady source than a secure authorized source.


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I’ve never understood why people go to illegal gold sellers for their gold, when Blizzard literally sells it themselves with tokens. It’s crazy to me. Are the illegal sellers cheaper? Probly. But that risks your whole account.


Who ever said people always make great choices. Gold is not worth your account, would rather spend more then risk my account

Exactly. And how much cheaper could it possibly be? Half the price? Even at a tenth of the price, it’s Just not worth it.


Honestly, it’s more expensive. Take into account all of the sub money people have paid, expansions, extra accounts, and so on. It’s craziness to put your account at risk for some cheap, easy gold. I made an easy million gold just selling a single transmog piece over the course of a couple weeks. It’s just…I dunno. Buying gold from illegal sources is just stupid.

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Exactly never worth risking everything