Anniversary classic servers - question about the GDKP ban

There’s a discussion going on Dreamscythe server discord about the GDKP ban that I hope could be clarified; the ban on GDKP does that also include service runs such as “BRD arena runs, get your SGC”, “Princess for Blackstone Ring” or when Dire Maul gets out Tribute chests, DM buffs?

I believe any runs. You can pay someone gold to run you through something but you can not set up a GDKP run where the highest bid with gold wins the item.


And, do any “for gold” runs at your own risk. If you received tainted gold (someone used gold they purchased for real money) to pay you, you’re account is at risk of receiving an account action, whether you know that the gold was purchase or not.


That can’t be true? If it is, then that is really ridiculous. Like whats next? Get banned because someone else bought gold and purchased your auction on the AH? Craft something for someone, or enchant their gear - “whoop, here’s a ban!” :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

The AH is a Blizzard supported method of purchasing goods so it’s not covered by the other policy. You will not get an account action if someone purchases an item with tainted gold.

Runs for gold are NOT supported by Blizzard.


This is very much true Iriara. We have seen a number of account actions posted here where the player received tainted gold, usually trading with a low lvl RMT mule, for game services rendered.

If you’re doing runs for gold, be certain you trust the player you’re running through or you risk this.

AH is different. It is ‘supported’. These runs for gold are ‘unsupported’ and should be walked into with eyes open.


That is not 100% true though. People have tried using the AH to move gold sales before. An example would be putting a grey junk item up for sale for million gold. The gold seller then buys that grey junk item and pays the 1 million gold for it. Boom - gold transferred.

If Blizzard detects someone using the AH to move gold, esp receiving multiple amounts of illicit gold, they have taken action.

One person using stolen gold to buy your herbs? No. Someone buying a grey bear butt for a million? Yes.


You’re expected to do your due diligence to know who you’re accepting gold from, and where they got it.

And yes, that is supposed to discourage running people through content for large amounts of gold that not a lot of people would have to throw around if they weren’t buying it from illicit sources. As an unsupported transaction, if “bad” gold gets to the people paying you it can get members of your team doing gold-purchased runs bans on their account.

If the assertion is that you don’t know who your dealing with, the answer is that you should know who you’re dealing with. That goes for the people getting the gold to pay you, and you accepting the gold.

Not unlike accepting a TV from someone who says they got it from a guy selling it in the alley instead of a store. They engaged in a shady transaction and passed the goods along to you, now you’re charged with receiving stolen goods because you didn’t ask questions of the person who gave it to you.


You’re right, I completely forgot about this.


Problem is gold sellers have and had been using runs like these to try to launder gold and give it to people who purchased gold. How are they to tell if you purchased it or randomly get it in a gold run? Called cracking down on the problem.


Based on what you are saying here then on classic servers we can’t do enchants for people either then, because on classic there is no scroll to put the enchants on auction house so that has to be done via trading with people.

Accepting 15 gold from someone to kill Princess for the Blackstone Ring can’t really be compared to buying a tv from someone.

It most assuredly can, in Blizzard’s domain.


And you need to be aware of who you’re trading with, and where they got their gold.


The lesson that Blizzard is trying to impress on people is that no, it’s not okay to just go, “I don’t know where they got their gold, it’s not my problem”. Tainted gold can get people dinged all the way down the chain that it travels through, because what they’re trying to change is the behavior where people think that by covering their ears and going “LA LA LA I DON’T KNOW WHERE THIS GOLD CAME FROM” it will protect them.

It won’t. You are correct that it’s much safer in an environment where you don’t know where people got their gold to only trade with vetted and trustworthy people.


Ok… unless you physically sit next to a person and see all their gameplay there is absolutely no way you can know for sure where they got their gold.
If this really is the case then there needs to be added changes to classic so that all trade goods can be done via the AH like adding enchanting vellums.

People wanted the classic experience, they got the classic experience.

Improvements to the crafting system were made in each expansion up to the current crafting system where trading with anyone is no longer required.


Exactly. So only run dungeons/trade mats/etc with people you trust. Again, do you buy a TV from a store with cameras and provable chain of ownership or from the guy hiding from camera view chiseling the serial number off?

You don’t buy the stolen TV, then whine to the judge that there’s no possible way to know it was stolen. You don’t get involved at all.

The point is to choke off ways for gold buyers to use their illicit gold, which shortens the investigation chain and hopefully starts to discourage people from buying it in the first place.

Then you should suggest those changes in the Classic General discussion forum. But I would be prepared to not get any level of support. This is the Classic experience and they do not alter that experience much, by design.


I think orlyia said it best why would you accept a large sum of gold from a lvl 1 toon that alone should raise flags.


Dunno about retail, but on classic most bank toons are left at lvl 1 so not necesarily sketch. However, for what I asked about it wouldn’t be a lvl 1 toon. Last time I checked lvl 1 toons on classic don’t tend to purchase enchants or are able to enter dungeons.

Gold sellers use burner toons lvl one to money launder.


Which has 0 to do with what I asked about in my initial post as again lvl 1 characters wouldn’t be doing these things as lvl 1 characters can’t zone into dungeons. Of course lvl 1 characters can get enchants, pretty much no one does so. So not sure what this made up scenario of bad lvl 1 characters are coming from.