I have tried on three toons to add anima to the Anima reservoir. It tells me I added it but then it doesn’t show up in my currency list or when I am at the mission table. This is new as of today.
I just did this today, 250 anima object plus i don’t know how much in other items, anima percentage did not move up. On my alt toon Sanngrior
I just experience this as well. 1,710 anima just gone. Hit the deposit button, and got the yellow text for the deposit in my chat window. But no increase in the anima reservoir window or my character bag. As it was stated already, this is new as of today. I deposited anima just last night the same way with no issues, but after the update, it is not actually depositing when it consumes the anima sources.
Thank you for reporting this. When I started to notice the number not growing I tested this with and without addons. All results were the same. Submitting anima to the reservoir = no change and anima submitted becomes lost forever.
Same issue. I have no idea how much I actually deposited. :\
I am also experiencing this bug. I thought I saw it on two characters and was more careful with the third and only deposited a small amount. Tried logging out and back in, and the total did not change. The anima I deposited is apparently simply gone.
I’m in the same boat - and have submitted a ticket. Thought I was going crazy.
I’m making video clips of every bug in Dragonflight that has been in the game since launch, but I’ll add this new bug to the list because I doubt it will get fixed.
I’ve had the same problem. It shows up as progress toward Replentish the Resivor quest. But when deposited, it doesn’t show up in the Resivoir or under my currency.
I’m imagining it’s not a priority as it’s not current content, but it’d shock me if they didn’t get around to it eventually given how integral it is to mounts, pets & appearances which collectors would want to complete Shadowlands content for.
it has to get fixed or else no new player will ever be able to progress through a covenant if they choose to level in shadowlands. One of the first missions in your covenant is to deposit anima and upgrade the covenant with it. That is blocked now because of this.
Same issue deposited 6415 and reservoir still at 3583…tried another 90 and still no increase will wait to deposit but now bag will fill up.
Same here. Just deposited a pair of Widowbloom-Infused Fragrance into the reservoir and the total didn’t change. The yellow text say that 500 Anima were deposited but the total doesn’t show it. That would be on my alt Konichiwa-Maelstrom. Thanks.
same bug for me… how frustrating.
Came here to add my voice, lost anima on 3 characters before I noticed. Happy Patch Day!
See also these threads:
Having the same issue. This is also happening with Cataloged Research, when turning in you get the faction but not an increase in currency.
Same here, Just lost out on over 7-8k anima. Gone poof.
Earlier thread on this bug: Missing Anima
This is also happening to me. I did the 3 shadowlands world bosses on 4 chars and deposited the anima. I saw it didnt go up but I thought it was just a glitch and wasnt showing correctly because of an addon or something. THe next day I still had the same amount of anima.
I’m putting most of my Anima in the bank and I’ll periodically try to deposit 5. I’ll try to remember to post here when it works.