Anima acquisition = Horrid

Acquiring anima needs to be increased significantly. On top of that the anima costs for healing followers at your table needs to be nerfed.

The first few days of me being max level I healed my troops a couple times after wiped runs. At the time I didn’t realize that 1) Kyrian just loses at the table a lot, and 2) repair costs are insane. As a consequence I probably dropped a couple thousand anima before discovering how little you get vs how much healing costs.

At this point I only do the world quests for 140 or more anima, and sometimes I don’t do those. Dungeon/raid boss anima is a joke. It could be multiplied by x10 and still feel unrewarding. Quest rewards for anima are anemic.

Barring an increase in anima generation, at the very least let us trade souls for anima. These two currencies are designed to work together, and I have a mountain of souls that I can’t even use.

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I had anima problems until I uh, actually started doing all the wqs (and rares I saw) that offered anima and suddenly all my woes disappeared, lol


Players have plenty of time to acquire anima and unlock all their xmogs, sanctum features, etc. The sanctums are more or less “done” – its unlikely they’re going to add numerous more features. Neither the UI panels nor the actual layouts of sanctums offer a lot of space for future additions.

There’s no need for players to get all their anima-purchased items in a few months. As such, there’s no need for Blizzard to massively infuse the game world with large amounts of anima.

Anima has no bearing on viability at all.

People have mentioned this before: anima has literally zero influence over your character’s personal power level. You don’t need anima to unlock soulbinds or activate conduits, you don’t need it to power your legendaries, the only thing you need anima for are either completely cosmetic or are obtainable elsewhere. If you want pets, mounts, and transmog, then hell yeah, you want anima, but if not…then it’s not that important.

The harshest demand it makes on you is to get 1,000 a week to kick your renown up a level, and even then, it’s not especially difficult to do so.

I think there’s some confusion going on here. It says 35 some odd, but then there’s another little number on the bottom left usually 3-5, So that’s quantity x charges = total anima. That’s all the braining I can do for today.

But… why? It has been enough to fully max out the covenant gear at each step, with minimal extra effort (by the time you get the 1k for the week, you rarely have to specifically chase anima for the upgrades).

So that takes care of the power progression for the casual player… the only thing that really matters in the short term.

Uh… good? Those are long terms goals, not things to do in a week. If you burned through it in 1-2 weeks, you’d be right back here, complaining about having nothing to do.

5 whole months? When the xpac will last 2 years? Doesn’t seem like a bit much to me.

Are you not entertained?? It’s awful, indeed.


People that want all of the buildings fully unlocked, cosmetics, mounts, pets, memory, illusion, etc.


That was me! :smiley:

Sadly… that wasn’t for everything. Just 83,600 anima for the things I wanted. The total amount of anima for all things, not including the building upgrades, is around 191,000 anima.

Not exactly. That was only for my stuff, pulling in around 4,000 a week. See comment above for the amounts we’re talking about. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s the numbers of everything in the Night Fae Covenant for those interested:


I have a weapon set that costs 30,000 anima.

Like, I don’t even want to think how many world quests that is.


Pretty sure mine is 35,000. lol

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The Shadowlands are in an anima drought, after all.

Should join a raid. Each boss throws one 35 anima. You’d think they be loaded with 250 at a time.

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Exactly. The game is played by different types of players. And it seems very unfriendly to the “collector” type.

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It’s absolutely terrible.

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The whole anima isn’t needed for player power is so obtuse. You don’t care about cosmetics and non-progression content. Great! How come you are the only one who gets to benefit from the changes to the game, but others don’t?

The anima cosmetic rewards are already timegated by Grateful Offerings which themselves require a huge anima investment just to unlock the Conductor. Anima drops from PVE content is abhorrent. Blizzard couldn’t even bother to make anima WQ reasonable. Sometimes you get 70 anima for a potential 15 -20 minute ordeal.


You get 2-4 35 Anima tokens per WQ, so you gain 70-140 for each. You can improve efficiency by just doing the 3 and 4X ones, and the easy non-combat quests as well.

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  1. Anima isn’t used for anything that’s time sensitive or that matters at all. Everything in Covenants that isn’t your weekly stuff for Renown is optional for “progression”, and you only need 1k/wk for that.

  2. Do your World Quests. Single quests often reward 105-140. Elite World Quests and the World Boss WQ reward 250. Spamming dungeons and the Mission Table is not the intended path for efficiently gathering Anima. Do your damn quests and realize that you typically get multiple tokens of 35, not just a single token.


There -are- actually WQs that reward a single 35 anima token. Not sure if it varies based on the WQ or if it’s just an RNG roll on each one when it spawns if it’s gonna be 1-4.

Either way, it’s not super common and you can definitely just focus on 3-4 stacks. The rest are there if you’re desperate for some reason.

Yeah you would think but it’s not the case, unfortunately.