Anduin's MANHOOD

I think anduin’s pretty refreshing in a game that’s primarily been grunty men doing zug zug things. But I do miss some of those grunty men too.


Anduin? You mean Manduin.

I actually like Anduin and i understand that he’s been through hell (both figuratively and literally)… but do they have to make him cry in every cinematic? :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it’s his special power. I know it helps when my allergies irritate my eyes. :sweat_smile:

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anduin thinks he has hurt too many people, who actually died. death is serious business. it changes people, and remember he was a peace advocate. he was already against the war aspect of being king. this is why he basically abandoned his job when he recovered. hes not a king, or even king material. hes a healer.

Anduin is having massive PTSD issues. He went in as a practically innocent hopeful 19 yo kid, who was a pacifist and holy priest, fought a war he never wanted to fight and then was tortured and used as a puppet like Arthas to murder people. He has every reason in the world to be massively changed and haggard looking.


I’m an Anduin fan. I’ve been through the field with people who have been as broken, tormented, disappointed and absolutely hopeless as he has. I’ve way more respect for those who can openly show their emotions absolutely raw like this and then STILL be brave enough to say… This sucks, but I will go further with you, despite my own feelings because I trust you and our history enough to know I can shelve these feelings and we can endure what’s coming together. It’s an amazing testament to loyalty. The most trying battles we face are not the hordes of enemies at our doorstep, but the demons we constantly fight within.

Purely charismatic leaders, sadly, in my life experience have been the ones that all preach that, ‘they got this bro.’ Only to find out on the surface they put on a good act, but behind closed doors they’re abusing their spouses, family or vulnerable populations in horrific ways. Arthas foreshadowed this kind of charismatic ‘perfect’ leader. Valorous, decisive, willing to stand alone, righteous on the surface - but behind closed doors would eventually succumb to the demons within and around him, murdering those who trusted him most. The plot with Mal’Ganis was an analogy that Arthas hid his bloodthirst and sins behind the mask of righteousness/leadership. He would always chase that Nathrezim, not because he wanted victory but because he wanted justification for his slaughters. In Lich mode he got to absolutely live his dream.

More interesting about this entire conversation is how uncomfortable emotions or displays of emotions can make people feel. Reactions range from, ewww gross, to dat’s very bad. Which is an emotional reaction to emotions lol. I love the irony of it all.


Anduin is not masculine, he spends his time crying and on the other hand, his varyan if he is masculine

People believing strong men don’t cry, or men aren’t supposed to cry are the reason why there’s as many societal issues as there are. Men hold this pain inside because society expects them to, and then we wonder why men are the majority in all violent crime. Displaced aggression, look it up.


Does anyone actually believe that good leaders never cry? In private, with a good friend? I mean . . .frankly any leader who can’t fully express a range of emotions in an appropriate setting is probably a sociopath at best.

Context matters. Anduin wasn’t crying while rallying the troops, he was working through stuff with an old friend.


Ya i’ve heard stuff like that before. Load of crap imo lol

Literally an observable phenomenon in rats. It’s not even unique to people.

I think your opinion is valid because you get to have it. I also believe your definition of what is manly is narrow and rigid. You have been given this life to evolve. Use it. :slight_smile:

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You must not be familar with PTSD. :slight_smile:

Yeah, people are generally afraid of change and find comfort in habit.

A question for a thought I’ve been having. I would like to hear opinions on this as I’ve enjoyed seeing others defend Anduin’s show of emotions, because the kid has had it rough and I honestly feel bad for the character.

Anduin made a huge mistake when leading the attack on Sylvanas after the burning of Teldrassil. He went after an enemy with a known super weapon, BLIGHT, with no way to counter it and only through Jaina sailing in on her ghost ship were the Alliance saved. It ended with numerous casualties due to poor planning on his part because he was the leader. How should we feel about him? How much sympathy does Anduin deserve? Does he deserve any?

That’s not exactly easy when you take into account it was possibly poor writing to move an important plot point forward. That’s my personal opinion. Especially since it would mean every other leader in the Alliance would have to have been as dumb (sorry for being blunt :sweat_smile:) as he was.

I want Anduin to sort out his trauma by copying his father to excess.

No more priest nonsense, just swords for everyone.

Prior to this Genn Greymane couldn’t at all leave Sylvannas alone. He was hunting her throughout Legion and BFA - while Anduin was trying to broker peace. Teldrassil was one of the straws that broke Anduin’s will towards peace, mostly because everyone - Jaina, Genn and Tyrande were out for blood.

So was it really his poor planning, or were the rest of the Alliance leaders gunning for her and Anduin just fell in line?

I was expecting something else :disappointed:

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What would you have done in his situation?