Pacifist: noun, someone opposed to violence as a means of settling disputes.
Anduin fits that definition.
Pacifism is not absolute (it’s actually impossible to achieve absolute pacifism), many pacifists support and will fight in emergency defense of self and others, such as a King who’s kingdom falls under attack.
Again, Anduin fits that definition.
Anduin has spent his life striving for the non-violent and diplomatic approach to all conflict, but he will (when absolutely necessary) fight to defend his people.
If you honestly think that going on a killing spree against void bugs is going to help him that’s your opinion. I disagree and it’s clear we aren’t going to agree on much of anything in this conversation. So let us go on our separate ways.
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Would fighting void bugs that are trying to take over his world not be necessary?
Expecially if he is to become the warrior of prophecy that leads the greatest army azeroth has ever seeen.
“Instead of the prince, an armored warrior stood before him” from Velens PoV
You don’t see Bolvar complaining either. Dude got the plague, sat on fire, tortured mentally/physically/spiritually by the Lich King, wore the Helm of Domination for a long time, lost to a dead elf with plot armor, reunited with his daughter, and STILL hasn’t had his “breakdown” moment yet.
And then there’s Genn…who just sort of exists and really just wanted to kill Sylvannas and the Horde, one of the last War Men of the series…and they’ll probably kill him off because he’s too much of a man. (don’t get me wrong, he’s useless af but he also ACTS like a man)
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hopefully. But right now if you are comparing Anduin to Kratos, im sorry thats just not even close
I am not talking about any actual REAL, specific person here. So I don’t need to hear any of this.
Most constructive men are simplistic. They get stuff done.
He needs to lose a hand then he will get more strong. It worked before with:
Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
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Yes, in the past.
This is not the past.
Inner strength, resilience and kindness is what makes one a “man”. Not one’s appearance. Not one’s ability to hide one’s truth. Not their physical appearance. Hiding is the opposite of courage.
Your idea of manhood is, frankly, bizarre. Get out of the 1800s, we’re waiting for you.
I think the past is better in most things. We have traditions and values for a reason. Progression turns into wrong imo
Good for you. Feel free to live in the past. That always turns out well.
you’re sounding old here, sorry but you are 
I would bet $100 that you do not fit the description of a “traditional man”. You play video games so you already do not based on just that alone. You are arguing against yourself my guy.
My brother, what?! I’m sorry to disappoint, but if Anduin existed, he would objectively be considered very handsome by societal standards. Given his body structure also, he’d be considered very physically in shape.
I don’t know about you, but normally a King fighting alongside his men during a battle would often be considered quite manly and of worthy leadership material. If anything, he’s better than traditional manly leaders.
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While my sappy self was moved, I’m still disappointment effort is being put towards his pain when the entire saga between Moira and Magni was pretty much swept under the rug. She had a connection to Anduin after the two talked (when she locked IF down and “kidnapped” him) and he ended up stopping his father from killing her dumb a**. Another encounter that could have made a cool quest or dungeon and given people that clash between different members of the Alliance so many had wanted. 
Thats fine, im ok with that
I said traditions, not “traditional man”. What is the “traditional man”? I see it as someone who takes care of their responsibilities even if it costs sacrifice. Video games or any other kind of fun activity is fine as long as it doesn’t keep you from your duties. That’s called idolatry.
Handsome don’t mean tough
Need to make a guild called “Anduin Stop Crying”
People seem to use the excuse “It’s fantasy – He shouldn’t have PTSD!” a lot too.
- However if you use that excuse for everything, you remove a lot of what makes things connectable with players, or make people able to see themself being in that world.
Having realistic tropes, whether its personality, mental, other health aspects or even science & commonly seen social schisms is good for fantasy stories. For fantasy games especially, it helps ground it and make it a more immersing experience.
… That being said, Anduin didn’t really do all so much under the control of the Jailor so I’m not sure what he has so much PTSD about.
However if he saw the memories of Arthas as if they were his own, I suppose that’d make more sense. Perhaps we’ll see more of his story & what happened ‘behind the scenes’ later on? Hoping he overcomes his burdens and like you said and grows into a stronger character.